France Launches Arafat Murder Investigation

IDNS: France Launches Arafat Murder Investigation August 29, 2012 16:59 by Pesach Benson Everything you need to know about today’s coverage of Israel and the Mideast. Join the Israel Daily News Stream on Facebook. Today’s Top Stories: 1. Newspapers — mostly British — react to the Rachel Corrie verdict. A Times of London staff-ed (paywall) […]

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U.S. Farmers Seeing Record Profits, Thanks to Taxpayers and Government

The Financial Times reports that “U.S. farmers are heading for their most profitable year on record despite the worst drought in half a century as high grain prices and payouts from a federal crop insurance program compensate for a smaller harvest.” Higher profits are great—when they come from real market demand. But farmers’ profits are […]

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China “Owns” the U.S.: Fact or Fiction?

There is a common misconception that China “owns” the U.S by holding the majority of U.S. federal debt. Contrary to this belief, as a region, Asia owns only 20 percent of U.S. federal debt, with China holding less than 10 percent ($1.3 trillion) and Japan owning approximately 6 percent ($882 billion). American citizens and now, […]

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$50 Million Government Polling Contract with Gallup Attracts Scrutiny

An example of government waste and bad planning—the exorbitantly expensive Gallup Organization contract with the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)—is finally coming under a long-overdue review. At a time when language service after language service of Voice of America, this country’s primary public diplomacy tool, is under threat of being shut down for lack of […]

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U.S. F-16 jets

Confirmation: Egypt ‘Deployed U.S.-Made Tanks, SAMs in Sinai’ Provided By Obama

Egypt has deployed U.S.-made surface-to-air missiles and tanks near the border with Israel, in a breach of the 1979 peace treaty, reports the World Tribune. Western defense sources said the Egyptian Army has deployed “a range of assets supplied by the United States.” They cited main battle tanks (MBTs) and surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), particularly in the […]

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Prof. L Beres & Gen. J. Chain

Facing Iran – Israel’s Remaining Strategic Options

Louis René Beres (Ph.D., Princeton, 1971), is Professor of Political Science and International Law at Purdue. The author of many major books and articles in the field, including some of the very earliest publications on Israeli nuclear strategy, he was Chair of Project Daniel (Israel, 2003). John T. Chain (USAF/Ret.) was Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Strategic Air […]

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Arnaud Montebourg

Greens Debate Socialists Over Nuclear Power

Despite the change in power in France and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open support for former French president Nicolas Sarkozy in the recent French presidential elections, she has been quick to patch up relations with Sarkozy’s successor Francois Hollande and to establish a common position with regard to Greece. The two countries, however, appear to […]

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