Ted Cruz Sheds Light on Global Warming Hoax at Climate Science Hearing

(ConservativePapers.com) – Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), chairman of the Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness, convened a hearing titled “Data or Dogma? Promoting Open Inquiry in the Debate over the Magnitude of Human Impact on Earth’s Climate” on Tuesday, December 8. The hearing focused on the ongoing debate over climate science, the impact of federal funding […]

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Ted Cruz Owns Sierra Club President Aaron Mair on Global Warming

Senator Cruz questions Sierra Club President, Aaron Mair on Climate Change. Video courtesy of Senator Ted Cruz. The amazing thing here is not that the guy disagrees — what’s amazing is that he doesn’t seem to know what Ted Cruz is even talking about. Senator Ted Cruz questioned Aaron Mair, the president of the climate change extremist […]

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Exclusive: Sen Mike Lee to Introduce Resolution Declaring Obama’s Paris Climate Deal Needs Senate Approval

Sen. Mike Lee on Thursday will introduce a resolution “expressing the sense of Congress” that President Barack Obama should submit an international climate deal expected to be struck in Paris next month to the Senate for its approval. The measure will be filed as a “concurrent resolution,” meaning it represents the views of both chambers […]

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Another Inconvenient Truth? New NASA Study Finds Antarctica Is GAINING Ice

Zero Hedge Well this is awkward. Just a month after former Aussie PM Tony Abbott openly questioned global warming data (and was ‘replaced’), a new NASA study finds another inconvenient truth – Antarctica has been adding more ice than it’s been losing, challenging other research, including that of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, […]

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Disgraceful Cover-Up: NOAA Tries to Hide Pause in Global Warming:

By James Delingpole: The US government’s main climate research agency has refused a request by House Republicans to release key documents concerning the controversial issue of whether or not there has been a “pause” in global warming. Despite being a public, taxpayer-funded institution, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) insists that it is under […]

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The Question Sierra Club’s President Didn’t Want to Answer

Sen. Ted Cruz’s questioning of Sierra Club President Aaron Mair turned contentious Tuesday, then went viral when the Texas Republican posted the nearly 10-minute exchange. Cruz repeatedly pressed Mair to address satellite data that found an 18-year pause in global warming, countering the Sierra Club’s claim of a warming trend. He asked the green group […]

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VIDEO: Ted Cruz Destroys Sierra Club President Aaron Mair on Global Warming Hoax

By Derek Hunter Texas senator and Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz questioned Sierra Club President Aaron Mair in a contentious testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday. But on one question in particular, Mair would not deviate from his rehearsed answer. When asked about the 18 year pause in global warming, as documented by satellite data, Mr. Mair […]

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