TRUST YOURSELF: The preparedness actions you are taking right now will SAVE you from the horrific collapse that’s approaching

(Natural News) The well prepared will survive the horrors that are being unleashed against humanity. Even as the oblivious, unprepared masses are exterminated by the billions, there will also be billions who survive the carnage, and those people will be among the most resilient and prepared — people who saw what was coming, planned ahead […]

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The UK Moves Closer to 1984

An amendment to the UK’s  ‘Online Safety Bill ‘ has been proposed, moving the country closer to the solidification of their very own ‘Ministry of Truth.’ This amendment would provide the framework to censor “legal but harmful” content posted on social media and pre-determine the accuracy of posts. The Gateway Pundit’s has reported extensively on […]

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The following comes from my friend, Helmholtz Smith. He’s a decorated military analyst and Russian expert. One of Napoleon’s observations is that you should never interrupt your enemies when they are making a mistake. Russians know this, not least because they were careful not to interrupt Napoleon himself in 1812. Putin and his team have […]

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“Real Hero of the Day”: Armed Citizen Shot and Killed Man With Rifle Who Was Shooting People at Indiana Mall Food Court: Police; Victims: 3 Killed, 2 Wounded

An armed citizen shot and killed a man armed with a rifle who had started shooting people at the Greenwood Park Mall in Greenwood Indiana, Sunday evening according to police; Three people were killed and two were wounded in addition to the shooter being killed. The person who stopped the attempted mall massacre was a […]

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DEATH SHOTS: Canadian data show that COVID “vaccines” INCREASE the risk of death from covid

(Natural News) Not only does Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) not protect against COVID, but official government data from the Canadian province of Manitoba show that the shots actually increase a person’s risk of death. The latest figures available for May show that only nine percent of deaths and 14 percent of hospital admissions in the province […]

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“I HAVE HAD IT” – RINO Meghan McCain Goes On TRIGGERED Rant Against Kari Lake and Wendy Rogers After Calling Kari a “B*tch” – Arizona State Media Comes To McCain’s Defense, Attacks Lake And Rogers

Meghan McCain’s July 12 Tweet Trump-Endorsed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and Trump-Endorsed State Senator Wendy Rogers totally triggered Biden endorser Meghan McCain, the daughter of late Senator John McCain, and sent her on an unhinged Twitter rant late last week.  After randomly calling Kari a “bi*ch” for no reason, McCain continued her attacks by calling […]

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Ted Cruz Finds Child’s Wristband at Border, Explains Role in ‘Barbaric’ Cartel Scheme Enabled by Biden

Colored wristbands seen on the arms of illegal migrants at our southern border may have a dark meaning that most outside of the cartels’ influence don’t know about. In a Friday video, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz made a midnight visit to the Rio Grande to review the ongoing migrant crisis left virtually unchecked by President […]

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Rep. Burgess Owens Slams The Left Over Racist Attacks On Black Conservatives (VIDEO)

Liberals constantly accuse the United States of having a problem with systemic racism. Yet when it comes to black conservatives, they feel free to use incredibly racist insults. We have seen it with Justice Clarence Thomas, talk host Larry Elder, Dr. Ben Carson and many others. Advertisement – story continues below Rep. Burgess Owens of […]

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Rep. Burgess Owens Slams The Left Over Racist Attacks On Black Conservatives (VIDEO)

Liberals constantly accuse the United States of having a problem with systemic racism. Yet when it comes to black conservatives, they feel free to use incredibly racist insults. We have seen it with Justice Clarence Thomas, talk host Larry Elder, Dr. Ben Carson and many others. Advertisement – story continues below Rep. Burgess Owens of […]

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