Indiana Governor Defends Expansion of Medicaid Alternative to 350,000

Photo: Rick D’Elia/EPA/Newscom Fresh off his proposal last week to expand Indiana’s alternative Medicaid program, Gov. Mike Pence today defended his decision to ask for federal approval to make more Hoosiers eligible. Speaking at the American Enterprise Institute, the Republican governor promoted the Healthy Indiana Plan and his efforts to expand the program, started in […]

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Education Spending Is Up, Test Scores Aren’t. Who’s to Blame?

Photo: Jeff J. Mitchell/Getty Images The U.S. Department of Education recently released the 2013 results of math and reading achievement for 12th graders on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. It’s hard to say what’s been achieved. According to the NAEP—a standardized test often referred to as the nation’s “report card”—just 26 percent of the […]

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Benham Brothers Can Bank on SunTrust After All

Photo: Erik S. Lesser/EPA/Newscom SunTrust Bank will continue to do business with David and Jason Benham, reversing course after the twin brothers publicly announced the bank had cut ties. SunTrust said a “third party vendor” had misapplied corporate policy in severing ties with the real-estate entrepreneurs — who lost a cable TV show a week […]

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Issa Says HHS Secretary ‘Willfully Failing’ to Comply With Subpoena

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif. (Photo: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/Newscom) Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is “willfully failing” to comply with a subpoena from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. In a letter sent yesterday to Sebelius, who recently resigned, Issa wrote that HHS had been slow in […]

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IRS Documents Reveal Washington’s Role in Targeting Tea Party Groups

Photo: Olivier Douliery/ Government documents show that Internal Revenue Service officials in Washington coordinated how IRS employees in Cincinnati and Los Angeles should hold up conservative groups’ applications for tax-exempt status, the legal group Judicial Watch announced today. The watchdog group highlighted an email string from nearly two years ago that it says shows IRS […]

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Is Israel Really Spying on the USA?

May 11, 2014 14:13 by Pesach Benson Newsweek followed up on last week’s controversial article about alleged Israeli spying on the US. The main buzz: Israel tried to spy on Al Gore’s bathroom. One of Newsweek’s sources, retired CIA officer Paul Pillar — according to Algemeiner – supports BDS. As for the other sources, reporter Jeff […]

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Washington Monument to Reopen After Nearly 3 Years, $15M Renovation

WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 150 cracks have been repaired, rainwater leaks have been sealed, and the 130-year-old Washington Monument will reopen Monday for the first time in nearly three years since an earthquake caused widespread damage. The memorial honoring George Washington has been closed for about 33 months for engineers to conduct an extensive […]

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Interesting snippets from Ronald Kessler’s book about our presidents

Interesting snippets from Ronald Kessler’s book about our presidents. “In The President’s Secret Service”. JOHN & JACQUELINE KENNEDY A philanderer of the highest order. She ordered the kitchen help to save all the left-over wine during a State dinner, mixed it with fresh wine and served again during the next White House occasion.* LYNDON & […]

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Boko Haram Benefitted from State Department Inaction

Photo: AFP PHOTO/STRINGERSTR/Getty Images A Twitter hashtag, #BringBackOurGirls, has forced the world to pay attention to a terrorist group and conflict that have been threatening the stability of northern Nigeria for some time. For three years, the U.S. State Department was unwilling to acknowledge the threat and legally define Boko Haram as a terrorist organization, […]

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