New Study Shows Obamacare’s Impact on Ohio Coverage and Premiums
Americans knew the negative impact Obamacare would have on the nation before the law even passed. Millions of Americans will be added to Medicaid, which already provides low-quality coverage and patchy access to care. The new law will not result in universal coverage, despite its $1 trillion+ price tag. Premiums will go up. And Americans […]
Obama Circumvents Congress on Education Policy
For the past few decades, the federal government has continuously increased its power over local schools, through funding with strings-attached, with depressing results. Since the 1970?s federal spending on education has nearly tripled, yet student achievement has remained flat and graduation rates have not improved. However, that increased spending has had a major impact on […]
Chart of the Week: U.S. Rivals Japan for World’s Highest Corporate Tax Rate
Republicans and Democrats on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction this week finally agreed on something substantive: The U.S. corporate tax rate is too high. It’s a point we’ve been making for years at Heritage. High federal and state corporate tax rates — a whopping 39.2 percent when combined — make it difficult for […]
China is ‘Systematically Stealing’ U.S Intellectual Property
(The Telegraph) US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has accused China of “systematically stealing” American companies’ intellectual property in an unusually blunt attack. “They have made possible systematic stealing of intellectual property of American companies and have not been very aggressive to put in place the basic protections,” Mr Geither said on Friday at a conference […]
The Consequences of America’s Confusing Middle East Policies
The United States is scrambling to avoid a diplomatic crisis at the U.N. over a Palestinian statehood vote and a promised U.S. veto. As other countries try to find a way to defuse the crisis, Palestinian officials asked for U.N. recognition of Palestinian statehood yesterday. How did it come to this? Heritage’s Kim Holmes contends […]
Leveling the Playing Field in the U.S.-China Media Battle
Most Americans identify China as the country most likely to challenge the United States globally, and many even expect China to replace American dominance. U.S. lawmakers are finally waking up to the challenge, which is not only military and economic but extends to the spheres of information and public diplomacy. At least, some on Capitol […]
Debunking the Palestine Lie
(EncounterBooks) Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has launched an international campaign to achieve recognition by the United Nations for an independent Palestinian state. Abbas and his international supporters claim that only Israel (with the United States) stands in the way of this act of historical justice, which would finally bring about peace in the Middle East. […]
EPA’s Tighter Ozone Standards Will Strangle Economic Recovery
A few weeks ago, the President asked Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw the agency’s draft for more stringent Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Although Jackson begrudgingly complied, the EPA is still moving to an ozone standard more stringent than the current one. The current ozone standard of 84 parts […]
Report: Armed PA Police in Israeli Regions
Many of the Israelis living in Judea and Samaria have long expressed concern over the Palestinian Authority’s armed police force, which is active in the region. This week, an alert resident captured armed PA officers on film as they drove through “Area C” – a region ostensibly under full Israeli control. The officers were seen […]
PLO’s UN Logo Reveals the Truth: Wipe Israel Off the Map!
The Palestine Liberation Organization’s mission to the United Nations has, on its logo, wiped Israel off the map. The logo is displayed on the website of the Palestinian Authority’s mission to the U.N., which is technically represented by the PLO, the “sole representative of the Palestinian people.” The Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine, as it […]
Gov. Rick Perry: Palestinian Authority Bid is All Obama’s Fault (VIDEO)
A report Tuesday night said that U.S. President Barack H. Obama would endorse the idea of a PA state when he speaks at the United Nations at the opening of the General Assembly Wednesday – and that he will also endorse the status of Israel as a Jewish state. The report, quoting officials in the […]