Rep. Gohmert Stands in Support of Saving the American Dream

Earlier this week, Representative Louie Gohmert (R–TX) visited The Heritage Foundation to show his support for Saving the American Dream as well as our nationwide educational effort with the Family Research Council, the Your Money, Your Values, Your Vote 2012 Tour.

Rep. Louie Gohmert voices his support for Saving the American Dream

Speaking to an impromptu audience gathered at Heritage, Gohmert’s passion for America’s future came through loud and clear:

Some people get so confused about the pursuit of happiness. They think the Constitution guarantees people a right to be happy. That’s up to us! The pursuit of happiness comes from opportunity. It does not come from a government that spends future generations’ money. We are forging chains out of mountainous debt—chains we are shackling on children that haven’t even been born yet. That is so irresponsible, so selfish.

My wife and I used to teach college Sunday school. We would notice that the students who were focused on themselves were so depressed; they were always fussing about things. We would say, “Look at the other folks around you, and you’ll see: ‘Wow, I’ve got a lot to be thankful for.’ Begin to help other people out, and you feel better about life.” This is a moral issue. When we are so focused on ourselves, we cannot enjoy the things and people around us. We would make our way out of the morass we’re in as a nation if we start to look ahead.

I love this Saving the American Dream plan. Simplify taxes. Redesign Medicare and Social Security. Cut government spending. Reform health care. Protect America by fully funding defense needs. Leave our children and grandchildren with a better life.

People say, “We’ve got some really hard choices to make.” I don’t see that they should be hard choices. We’re currently spending a trillion dollars more than we did in 2007 and 2008. Nobody in America that I heard from during those years—Democrat, Republican, or Independent—ever said, “We’re just not spending enough money.” Once you see what we’re really dealing with, it’s not a hard choice.

The tour bus stopped at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC this week. Photo: Chas Geer.

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Briefly touring the Values Bus, Gohmert concluded, “I hope we have lots of people come out to the bus and figure out: This is the responsible choice, and it’s the only choice. That’s why I’m so grateful you all are bringing this to life. If you tried to do this without Family Research Council and The Heritage Foundation, you just wouldn’t have the resonance.”

This weekend, Your Money, Your Values, Your Vote 2012 Tour will make stops at several events in Arizona—then it’s on to Texas, Tennessee, and beyond. Visit for the latest schedule.

Source material can be found at this site.

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