Obama Campaign ‘Accepting Illegal Donations from Foreigners’

The Obama campaign has recently been accused of violating campaign rules and accepting donations from foreign citizens.

According to the New York Post, a British citizen living outside of London was able to recently make two donations to the Obama campaign, through his re-election website, using his real address in England but with a New York zip code and by entering Arkansas as the state.

A similar attempt to donate to the Romney campaign using the same information was rejected because it is illegal to knowingly solicit or accept money from foreign citizens.

According to the Federal Election Commission, whose purpose is to enforce campaign finance laws, Obama’s campaign received more than $2 million in donations in September with incomplete zip codes or no zip codes, something the Obama campaign called “a minor technical error,” but which has led others to suspect these were in fact foreign donations.

That same month Romney’s campaign took in less than $5,000 from those with incomplete or non-existent zip codes.

According to the watchdog group, the Government Accountability Institute, the Obama campaign has been ignoring safeguards that are usually set in place in order to verify that all addresses associated with a credit card are legitimate.

The group found one site, Obama.com, which receives almost half of its traffic from foreign IP addresses. The site automatically re-directs to the official Obama donation page.

Underneath the donation amount selection there is fine print which states that by submitting the form, the donor agrees that he or she is a U.S. citizen.

However Peter Schweizer, president of the GAI, says that is not enough. “For a campaign that is very sophisticated in its fund-raising capabilities, they do not make one effort to try to even see or ask somebody to check a box that says they are a US citizen,” he told the Post.

With less than three weeks until elections, it is not certain that these findings will make any dent in the Obama campaign.

Source material can be found at this site.

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