These instructions were found in a school text book used by Palestinian Muslim children in the classroom. Israel’s envoy to the United Nations, Danny Danon, tells UN that Israelis are “being stabbed, bombed, run over and stoned” by Palestinians in a “tide of terror” that “spares no one: babies, children, men and women.”

At the same time, Palestinian terror group HAMAS  is celebrating Palestinian murders of two Israelis on a Jerusalem bus with a sick re-enactment film. The attack killed 2 and wounded 4 Israelis. One of the Muslim terrorists was shot dead and the other wounded by an Israeli Security guard at the scene. Naturally, the Hamas film does not re-enact those parts.

[youtube 5E1-6y8xAfI nolink]

[youtube NkqgR0_4E74 nolink]

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