Obama Wrong Again: Drilling Advocates Are ‘Founding Members of the Flat Earth Society’

(CNSNews.com) – Besieged by poor approval ratings amid escalating gas prices, President Barack Obama compared supporters of increased drilling and critics of green energy subsidies with those who believed in a flat Earth that wanted to be stuck in the past. Obama, speaking Thursday at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Md., said that is […]

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Noor Islamic Bank -- targeted by sanctions

Iran Banks Cut Off from SWIFT System

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or SWIFT, announced Thursday that it is cutting off some 30 Iranian banks and subsidiaries from its network, as part of global efforts to punish Iran for its nuclear weapons program. The banks punished are the ones that have already been hit by European Union sanctions. Some other […]

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We demand the dismissal of Khulood Badawi

We demand the dismissal of Khulood Badawi March 15, 2012 20:52 by Honest837Reporting Dear Head of UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), We, the undersigned, demand that the UN immediately terminate its association with Khulood Badawi, an employee at the OCHA. Badawi has proven unreliable as a source of information by using […]

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Palestinian Authority Muslims to Radical anti-Zionist Gilad Atzmon: Don’t Help Us

Israeli-born Gilad Atzmon, who has made a career out of condemning Israel and rejecting his Jewish roots, fully identifying with and promoting the Arab position on the illegitimacy of Israel and Zionism, and affirming the most egregious of anti-Semitic allegations, has been rejected by the Arabs he advocates for. In a letter published by the […]

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Ahmadinejad: Our nuclear program is for peace

Suspected Iranian Nuke Test Site Identified

An Iranian building suspected as a test site for nuclear explosions has been identified through satellite imagery by Washington think tank. The identification of the site at the Parchin complex near Tehran adds more circumstantial evidence that Iran is trying to manufacture a nuclear weapon, a charge it constantly has denied. David Albright, president of […]

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Harry Reid

Harry Reid Reverses Course on Judges; Political Stunt Backfires

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) decided his political stunt on judicial nominees wasn’t working. He abandoned the plan Wednesday, agreeing to a deal with Republicans to schedule votes for 12 district-court nominees and two circuit-court nominees before May 7. The deal ensures President Obama’s nominees will received an up-or-down vote on the Senate floor. […]

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Israel Under Fire: Missile Barrage Hits South; One Million Israelis Seek Protective Shelter

Israel Under Fire: Missile Barrage Hits South March 11, 2012 16:38 by Simon Plosker Once again, 1 million Israelis have spent the last 48 hours running to the nearest bomb shelters or their reinforced rooms. Most of the headlines and articles have focused on Israeli air strikes on terrorist targets in Gaza that have resulted […]

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