Activist Who Calls Abortion a ‘Blessing’ Tells Congress She Would Break the Law to Help Minors Cross State Lines to End Pregnancies

( – Were Congress to outlaw the transporting of a minor without her parents’ permission across state lines to get an abortion, an abortion- and gay-rights activist testifying on Capitol Hill Thursday she would break the law to continue to help girls end their pregnancies. Appearing as a Democratic Party witness at a hearing of […]

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A 30-minute documentary on the Lord’s Resistance Army, a violent militia in Uganda led by the outlaw Joseph Kony, has gone viral. A day after it was published on YouTube, it had logged 32 million views. In contrast, the Dr. Suess movie The Lorax, which by Hollywood standards had “huge opening weekend,” was probably seen […]

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U.S., Jordan Plan to Face Syrian Weapons Threat

The United States and Jordan are preparing to secure Syria’s vast stores of chemical and biological weapons in case the Syrian government loses control, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. Syria has large stockpiles of nerve agents and mustard gas. Jordan and Turkey have expressed concern that the weapons could fall into terrorist hands as […]

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Tea Party Senators Join Dems in Calling for Faster Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal

( – Two conservative Republican senators with tea party ties joined 21 Democratic colleagues and an independent senator Wednesday in urging President Obama to accelerate the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan. Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) signed a letter encouraging the president “to take every possible step to end the […]

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Netanyahu and Obama at the White House this week

Obama Offered Israel PM ‘Package Deal’ on Iran Attack; Netanyahu Hints Attack Just Months Away

A report in Ma’ariv Thursday said that U.S. President Baack H. Obama offered to give Israel advanced “bunker buster” missiles and long-range planes that could fly thousands of kilometers without refueling – if Israel agreed not to attack Iran during 2012. The report was based on discussions with diplomatic officials who were privy to the […]

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Is Capitalism Good for You?

Most politicians and political commentators insist that this year’s election rests on economic concerns, not “social values” (contraception, abortion, gay marriage, and the like). But in America’s free market system, economics and values are in fact closely joined. Not only is capitalism the most successful system for generating wealth, but it does so in large […]

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Afghan President Endorses Shocking ‘Code of Conduct’ for Women That Allows Wife-Beating

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Afghanistan’s president on Tuesday endorsed a “code of conduct” issued by an influential council of clerics that activists say represents a giant step backward for women’s rights in the country. President Hamid Karzai‘s Tuesday remarks backing the Ulema Council’s document, which allows husbands to beat wives under certain circumstances and encourages […]

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$9: Price for a Month’s Supply of Birth Control Pills at Target 3 Miles from Georgetown Law

( – Although Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke testified to the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee last month that contraception can cost a law student $3,000 over three years and that some of her fellow students could not afford it, a Target store only 3 miles from the law school currently sells a month’s […]

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Mustapha Abdul Jalil

Libya’s Leader Threatens War to Maintain Unity

Libyan leader Mustapha Abdul Jalil on Wednesday threatened to maintain national unity “with force” after tribal leaders declared semi-autonomy for an eastern region. “We are not prepared to divide Libya,” Jalil said in a call for dialogue with leaders in the eastern Cyrenaica region. “They should know that there are infiltrators and remnants of Qaddafi’s […]

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