Degrees Without knowledge

A fresh video in some newspapers and news channels of private university students and some other students of other institutions from NCR participating in a protest march gave enough insight into the level of knowledge about what their march is about. It is just like those farmers agitating against Farm Bills but do not know […]

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Teach children, Hindu scriptures offering high moral values

Many people will laugh and it will be difficult to believe this. Hindu scriptures are highly knowledgeable of moral and philosophies thanks to our ancient and immortal saints, rishis and gurus. Hinduism is different and distinct from Christianity and Islam. It is not fundamentalist like Abrahamic religions and their intolerant variations. In these faiths many […]

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The Aged Priest

There was a very unkind Mughal ruler. His kingdom has very cruel laws. Once, there was a famine in his kingdom. He issued an order that all the citizens have to dump their old relatives in the forests and leave to die to save the food. There lived an old and poor Brahmin priest and […]

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A Forgotten Holy Land

No matter how bold and aggressive Sikhs are in India, no matter how anxious Sikhs are to be perceived – nothing can justify the silence of Sikhs on the desecrated Gurudwaras in Pakistan, mostly in Pakistan-occupied Punjab. It is the real Sikh homeland because it’s where Sikhism originated. There is no pondering, nor even any […]

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I saw her naked…

I saw her naked and bleedingWas it delusion or reality? I don’t discern. The wolves trapped her on the brook, Kindness shunned their heart and faith. But, I saw her in clothes; I saw her playing and dancing, On the festive time. Demons tore her clothes apart, The barbarians wrapped her in red cloth. They […]

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The film is Dead- Long Live the Hero

A frenzy has been created by the media around Shah Rukh Khan and his ‘Jawan.’ Much before the release of the film in the theatre– eyes hazy, heart satisfied, choked, and distrustful a new thought was stitched–to podcast the mind to show the nation is comfortable with these ugly films. This new brand of hero […]

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Language diary

You can travel to any state in South India – Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, free to speak in Hindi or any other language and not in Tamil Nadu but even in the presence of Tamils, none will be frowned upon or ridiculed, abused or manhandled by the highly cultured and civilized, […]

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NEP 2020 and Language

As we ponder and implement NEP 2020, the question of identity, culture, ethnicity, language, education and time-tested and research-based shreds of evidence formulates one aspect clear that teaching students in their mother tongue makes them much more comfortable and sharp than teaching them in any other language. however, UNESCO data confirms that around 40% of […]

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A tale of urban decay

Plunder story without any problem in any city…” The big story is that reflections on disaster and dreadfulness stories are true to all the cities where most of the people rush to fulfil their unfulfilled dreams in the 21st century Nalanda, Hampi and Taxila. These cities inescapably ellipsis in every country where ellipsing is a […]

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