Racist Biden regime distributing $30 million to blue cities for CRACK PIPES to be handed out to Black Americans and LGBT

(Natural News) When Biden regime tyrants sit around a table brainstorming how to help Black people in America, they come up with insane ideas like, “Let’s give out free crack pipes!” Probably followed by absurdly racist confirmations like, “Yeah! That’s what Black people need!” The $30 million program to hand out free crack pipes to […]

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No place for Secularism

It has become a fashion in this country to discuss and talk about secularism on the one hand but supporting special benefits and privileges for minorities. Secular democracy is boasted as the best asset in India but in practice, secularism and democracy rotate only in appeasing some castes and minorities. The Hindu community is the […]

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Study: Myocarditis rates much higher in Moderna-vaccinated people than government claims

(Natural News) New research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reveals that the rate of myocarditis (heart inflammation) following “vaccination” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is much higher than what the government is reporting. The paper looked specifically at Moderna’s mRNA (messenger RNA) injection, which was found to be most deadly […]

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Fascist Canadian police state attacks trucker Freedom Convoy, supporters say government is "ripping everything apart"

(Natural News) Late Sunday night, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a fake “local state of emergency” to try to stop the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters from protesting Canada’s mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” policy. Watson, a fascist, decided that food, gasoline, and other supplies are no longer allowed to be transported in to […]

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Biden regime to FABRICATE war with Russia in order to TERRORIZE the American people

(Natural News) In acts of absurd desperation, we now see the White House and deep state propaganda rag mouthpiece publishers (WashPost, NYT, CNN, etc.) pushing aggressively to start a war with Russia. They’re working every angle to try to bait Putin into defending Russia’s borders against NATO provocations, and if they fail to get Putin […]

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NOT JUST HUMANS: Scientists say 5G radiation is killing animals and wildlife

(Natural News) A lengthy report about 5G exposure has found that this newfound radiation source is damaging the health of creatures that live in the wild. The 150-page report, compiled by researchers at the University of Washington and Johns Hopkins University, contains three sections, the first of which looked at how environmental EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) […]

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Biden’s at-home covid test kits funded by blacklisted Chinese company that was praised for "obeying" communist officials

(Natural News) iHealth Labs, the China-based company that is providing fake “president” Joe Biden’s at-home Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “tests,” was praised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for “obeying” its orders. The company also received tens of millions of dollars in investment cash from another Chinese company blacklisted by the United States government over its […]

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House Republicans calling for ban on using taxpayer funds for implementing military vaccine mandate

(Natural News) A group of Republican House leaders is calling for a ban on the use of taxpayer funds to implement President Biden’s vaccine mandate for members of the U.S. military. On Tuesday, Representative Darrell Issa of California, a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and 14 of his Republican colleagues wrote to […]

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How to DEFEAT micro blood clots and block the spike protein by protecting the QUALITY of your blood

(Natural News) Doctors and researchers are now confirming that nearly all the negative side effects and deaths stemming from covid vaccines are the result of blood clots. Many of those clots are very small and unable to be easily detected with standard medical imaging equipment. These clots, called “micro blood clots,” can cut off the […]

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Nurse claims Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 vaccination was faked, points out red flags

(Natural News) A registered nurse who is trained in giving intramuscular injections created a video explaining why she believes that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie did not actually receive COVID-19 vaccines. In fact, she said she “could spot this from a mile away” just by looking at the footage that was […]

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