We Hear You: I’m a Sailor, a Marine, and a Transgender Woman Who Was Born This Way

Editor’s note: One reader who we heard from awhile back marked March 31 as Transgender Day of Visibility. So this weekend seemed like a fitting opportunity  to publish the letter as the lead item in our mailbag.—Ken McIntyre  Dear Daily Signal: At first I was going to ignore Kelsey Harkness’ video report and the comments, but there comes a […]

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Blaming Russia for Everything

Exclusive: The Senate Intelligence Committee launched its Russia-gate investigation by inviting some “experts” in to rant about how everything that goes wrong in the United States is the fault of the Russians, observes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry It’s almost getting comical how everything that happens in the United States gets blamed on Russia! Russia! […]

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UN Takes a Key Step to Address Humanitarian Crisis in Burma

The United Nations approved a resolution on March 24 authorizing a fact-finding mission into human rights violations in Burma. The resolution is the most serious intervention thus far in Rakhine State, where the majority of the 1.2 million Rohingya Muslim population resides. The resolution, adopted by consensus, addresses a wide range of human rights concerns. […]

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Why Socialism Is Here To Stay

by Tyler Durden “[T]he government has to take resources from someone before it can dole them out to others. This act of taking destroys an economy. The more you take from the productive members of society, the less productive they become. That’s the primary lesson of the history of socialism.” The above quote is from […]

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If Evelyn Farkas Resigned in 2015, How Did She Have Access to Trump-Russian Intelligence?

This was making waves yesterday, after Evelyn Farkas admitted to Mika from The Morning Joe show that she strongly advised people ‘on the hill’ and in our intelligence agencies to tuck away intelligence regarding Russo-Trump ties for the sake of preservation, in an effort to protect it from the onerous bureaucracy she obviously finds to […]

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School Slashes Budget Over Too Many White Students

Tiffany Gabbay This is a genuine case of racial discrimination a California middle school is facing layoffs, which in turn means a higher student-to-teacher ratio, because of a  racist law that limits funding to public schools with a high percentage of white students, yes this is not satire people. The local ABC affiliate reports that Walter Reed Middle School in North […]

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Why Congress Is Right to Reject FCC’s Double Standard for Broadband Providers

On Monday, the House of Representatives, following similar action last week by the Senate, voted to disapprove a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rule on Internet privacy. The 400-page order had been rushed to completion by Obama-appointed FCC chairman Tom Wheeler in October on a 3-2 part-line vote. Among other things, it established a set of […]

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Greatest Threat to Environment Is Not Affluence, It’s Poverty

President Trump’s “Executive Order on Energy Independence” will save the American people hundreds of billions of dollars every year that would have been wasted on purely symbolic efforts under former President Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” and other regulations. Former President Barack Obama justified those regulations by claiming they would reduce global warming. But in reality, […]

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