Trump Calls for Reforming UN Bureaucracy

President Donald Trump praised the new leadership of the United Nations on Monday for promoting reform in the global body, often criticized for bloated bureaucracy, ineffectiveness, and scandal. “The United Nations has not reached its full potential,” @POTUS says. Trump and U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres both ascended to their respective offices this year and have […]

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Likely Next Solicitor General Fought for Nuns, Against Disputed Obama Appointees

After racking up victories against the Obama administration before the Supreme Court, Noel Francisco is expected to be confirmed by the Senate to manage the Trump administration’s cases there. “If you asked any conservative attorney in this town, they would put Noel in the top five legal minds,” @Curt_Levey says. President Donald Trump nominated Francisco, […]

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We Hear You: Electing to Investigate Voter Fraud

Editor’s note:  Our coverage of  the voter fraud issue, much of it by Fred Lucas, spurs a strong turnout among The Daily Signal’s audience. Today we feature some of those comments. Don’t forget to write us at [email protected]—Ken McIntyre Dear Daily Signal: I’m a reader from western Pennsylvania expressing my thanks for Fred Lucas’ report on […]

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Underreported: What Happened When Government Tried to Fix a Coal Town

PAINTSVILLE, Ky.—When Ben Larrabee heard about a new government-funded job training program for the digital age that promised to turn “coal country” into “code country,” he stopped looking for other jobs. “The thing that got 800-plus people to apply and go through the process was that it promised jobs that would run from $30,000 to […]

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Judicial Crisis Network Launches Ad Against Sen. Feinstein’s ‘Religious Litmus Test’

The Judicial Crisis Network is launching ad campaigns against two Democratic senators who are blocking President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees. The two campaigns are against Sens. Al Franken, D-Minn., and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. Franken is refusing to return the blue slip for Justice David Stras, nominated to serve on the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of […]

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The Reforms Trump Will Push at the UN

President Donald Trump, a Republican and lifelong businessman who criticized the United Nations as a candidate, has common ground with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who spent much of his political life in socialist politics. “The president has always believed there is great potential in the United Nations,” @NikkiHaley says. Both are demanding reform to the […]

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