Rep. Rohrbacher: Bush Didn’t Respond Properly to Russian School Bombing

( – Rep. Dana Rohrbacher (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats, said Friday that former President George W. Bush did not respond properly to the Beslan school bombing in 2004 in which Islamic separatist militants – mostly Chechen – killed over 380 people – about 180 of […]

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Expert: Democracies Cannot Defeat Terrorism

The Academic College in Tzfat held a conference Monday on the subject, “The borders of democracies’ war on terrorism.” Faculty member and terrorism expert Shimon Carmi explained to Arutz Sheva that the way society reacts to terrorism affects the society itself, first and foremost. “If we were to decide to ignore all the treaties and wage […]

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Child Protective Services Takes Baby From Parents After They Question A Doctor

Its official name is Child Protective Services (and most parents recognize its acronym, “CPS”), but too often it seems that a more accurate name would be “Causes Parental Suffering.” CPS employees have no subtlety – they take children away from parents and they make the parents suffer and grovel to get them back. That’s what […]

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Medicaid’s Looming Long-Term Care Crisis

Scott J. Ferrell/Congressional Quarterly/Newscom As we work to rein in wasteful spending and improve retirement security, our nation cannot afford to overlook Medicaid’s long-term care financing crisis. We’re completely unprepared for the coming “age wave.” More than 15 million Americans will be 85 years or older in 2040. While seven in 10 seniors will need […]

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GDP Grew 2.5 Percent in the First Quarter

Newscom After dreadfully low growth in the last quarter of 2012—just 0.4 percent—gross domestic product (GDP) returned to a healthier rate of growth of 2.5 percent in the first three months of 2013. The autumn’s drop in private inventories was reversed as companies stockpiled more goods in anticipation of future consumer spending. The 2.5 percent […]

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