More Misleading Numbers on Poverty

This past week, media outlets have been abuzz, heralding the news that poverty levels in the United States are higher than previously thought. But the numbers are misleading. The Census Bureau reported last week that, according to its new “supplemental poverty measure,” 49.7 million Americans are in poverty. This figure is higher than 46.2 million […]

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“I, Pencil: The Movie”

How does a pencil represent what Adam Smith called “the invisible hand” of the free market? A new film by the Competitive Enterprise Institute has adapted Leonard Read’s famous essay, “I, Pencil: My Family Tree As Told to Leonard E. Read,” to answer this very question. Originally published in 1958 in an issue of The […]

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After the Hurricane, a Supply Crisis from Price Controls

In the wake of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy, storm victims are also suffering from a New Jersey state law that prohibits businesses from raising their prices more than 10 percent “within 30 days of a declared state of emergency.” Despite the intentions of New Jersey legislators, laws intended to prevent so-called “price gouging” […]

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DOE Issues Nearly $1 Million to Ailing A123 on Day of Bankruptcy Filing

The Department of Energy’s clean energy grant-making program delivered a reimbursement to ailing battery maker A123 approaching $1 million on the same day the company filed for bankruptcy, according to Reuters: The company, which makes lithium ion batteries for electric cars, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last month after a rescue deal with Chinese […]

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Global warming stopped 16 years ago

The figures reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012 there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures This means that the ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996 The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years […]

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Post-Election, Refocusing on National Security

According to research by Politico, interest in the impending automatic defense cuts took a dive leading up to the election. But as the post-election polling and punditry subside, American citizens are returning their focus to pressing matters such as the so-called fiscal cliff and sequestration. Yet on Capitol Hill—where these potential defense cuts are a […]

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Congress Seeks Answers on Benghazi

The laundry room at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. (Photo: MCT/Newscom) On Thursday, members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees should bring us closer to an understanding of what went so disastrously wrong at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi during the terrorist attack on September 11 that […]

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Finally, BBC Admits to “Shoddy Journalism”

November 11, 2012 13:28 by Simon Plosker The following opinion piece by HR Managing Editor Simon Plosker is republished from the Times of Israel. Just imagine the scenario: A flagship BBC news program investigates an alleged Israeli “war crime” and levels the accusation based solely on the uncorroborated evidence of unnamed Palestinian “eyewitnesses”. A week […]

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