Fiscal Cliff: House Republican Proposal Abandons Core Principles, Gains Little

The House Republican leadership has offered a substantive counteroffer to President Obama’s frivolous fiscal cliff proposal of last week. At first blush, it appears little more than categorical, pre-emptive capitulation. To be fair, the details of the Republican proposal are extraordinarily vague. Nor is much clarity or comfort gained from the three-page accompanying letter sent […]

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Cloakroom: Hurry Up and Wait

House Cloakroom: December 3 – December 7 Analysis: The House has returned from its Thanksgiving vacation, when Members undoubtedly ate well and enjoyed numerous football games, to do… more of the same. They spent the most of the past week naming post offices until they finally got around to an immigration measure on Friday. All […]

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Helping the Poor and Addicted Turn Their Lives Around (VIDEO)

Strong marriage and family relationships are crucial to fighting poverty. This was the message shared by grassroots leaders at an anti-poverty conference sponsored by The Heritage Foundation and the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise this past September. These leaders shared firsthand experience and common-sense intuition about poverty reduction. They explained what sociological research and data continually […]

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Life Behind the Iron Curtain: The Ultimate Exercise in Big Government (VIDEO)

More than 20 years have passed since the Soviet empire collapsed. Telling its history to new generations here and in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe—generations who have at best dim personal memories of this tragic era in world history—has become an important task. Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1945–1956, Anne Applebaum’s […]

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United Nations Declares Contraception Access a “Human Right”

In the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) recent State of World Population report, access to contraception is described as a “universal human right.” While the report has no legal force, it declares that cultural and financial barriers to accessing contraception are an infringement on women’s rights. While access to contraceptives may be a serious policy […]

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Defense Budget: Military “Experts” Seem to Have Short Memories

A recently released report from the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, “Strategic Choices: Navigating Austerity,” argues that allowing some hollowing out of our military forces is acceptable. The report is raising eyebrows around Washington, mainly because it is so at odds with what Pentagon leadership is saying. The individuals who published this report—retired military […]

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Farm Subsidies Hurt the Poor Worldwide

Dairy farmers spray milk at a European Parliament building. (Photo: Xinhua/Newscom) Got milk? The European Parliament sure does. European dairy farmers were in Brussels this week to protest proposed changes in dairy regulations. Protestors doused the parliament building with milk and capped off a rough 10 days for the European Union (EU) capital following a […]

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World Bank Gives Hamas $6.4 Million Prize For Attacking Israel With Missile War

The World Bank has come to the rescue of Hamas, giving it $6.4 million to improve water and sewage services after the latest escalation in attacks on Israel that drew Israel into the eight-day Pillar of Defense counterterrorist campaign. The Islamic Development Bank is contributing an additional $11.1 million, but there has been no report […]

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Buffett & Obama

Lesson for Warren Buffett: British Millionaires’ Response to Tax Increases

As the fiscal cliff approaches, Congress and President Obama continue to debate tax increases, even though spending is the problem. Investor Warren Buffett recently opined that tax hikes on the wealthy would not curtail investments or hurt the economy. His logic, like President Obama’s, assumes that incentives don’t matter. Oh really? News that Great Britain […]

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America Defeated Communism Nazism and Facism

Cartoonists Tried To Encourage FDR To Assist Jews After Kristallnacht But It Was To No Avail

After Kristallnacht, US cartoonists tried to mobilize sympathy for the plight of the Jews.FDR was not impressed and the doors stayed shut.  (Dr. Medoff is coauthor, with comics historian Craig Yoe, of the forthcoming book, Cartoonists Against the Holocaust, from which this material is excerpted.with permission.) On November 9, 1938, mobs of Nazi stormtroopers unleashed […]

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