Muslim Christmas Message For All Westerners: ‘There Will Be “Christmas Blood” This Holiday Season.

ISIS Islamist released a statement stating that there will be “Christmas blood” this holiday season and presented an image of an ISIS vehicle heading towards St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. What else does this mean but that these Islamic terrorists are anti-Christian, and more specifically, anti-Catholic? According to one report, written by Jeffery Treistman, […]

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Airborne Plague Spreading At Alarming Rate Migrating to Mainland Africa; Is Europe Next?

The various forms of Plague, especially the airborne pulmonary form is spreading rapidly and is expected, if not already, to strike East Africa coast from Somalia to South Africa. Thus far, cases are estimated at 2,034 but the number seems to be grossly under-counted.  Those who are in infected areas of Madagascar are leaving Madagascar […]

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America’s Terrorist Lottery

Is it time to stop using games of chance to pick future Americans? Matthew Vadum After a boastful, giddy Muslim jihadist from Central Asia gleefully mowed down eight innocents with a rented truck in a Manhattan park on Tuesday, President Trump called for an end to the “diversity visa lottery” program that brought him to […]

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Mass Immigration Suffocating Europe

In The Strange Death of Europe   Douglas Murray notes among other dispiriting statistics that 130,000 women in Britain have suffered from female genital mutilation. That barbarity has been illegal for three decades, yet no one has been successfully prosecuted Amidst the near-daily accounts of suicide bombings, shootings, stabbings and foiled terror plots—from the streets of Paris to […]

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Why We Need Border Control

Islamic terrorist attacks. People in Western countries blown-up, burned, shot, stabbed, crushed under the tires of automobiles, and, lately, doused with acid. It has become routine. Also, routine is the response of many Western politicians who are to Islamic extremism what Hillary is to Bill’s philandering—de facto enablers. Following the Westminster Bridge rampage earlier this […]

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Europe: The Great White Death?

by Drieu Godefridi   It will take only 30 to 40 years for the Muslim population to become the majority in Europe. — Charles Gave, French financier, website of the Institut des Libertés. What is of concern, is that there is a sub-group of the European population which is in the process of very efficiently wiping itself […]

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UCLA Professor”Excessive Immigration” Is Hurting American Citizens

Authored by Toni Airaksinen via, University of California, Los Angeles research professor recently slammed the impact of “excessive immigration” on the labor market in a message to the campus community. Benjamin Zuckerman, professor of Astronomy and president of Californians for Population Stabilization, argued in an essay for The Daily Bruin that immigration, both legal and illegal, has a negative impact […]

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