All humans are descended from just TWO people and a catastrophic event almost wiped out ALL species

All modern humans descended from a solitary pair who lived years ago, scientists say. Scientists surveyed the genetic ‘bar codes’ of five million animals – including humans – from 100,000 different species and deduced that we sprang from a single pair of adults after a catastrophic event almost wiped out the human race. These bar […]

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Science for Stupid People

“What the left calls science is really a hypothesis accepted as a fact without the skepticism. Its intelligence is a conclusion without bothering to determine whether it’s true.” by Daniel Greenfield Every ideology needs to believe in its inevitability. Religions get their inevitability from prophecies; secular ideologies get theirs from the modernist fallacy. The modernist […]

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Black holes do NOT exist and the Big Bang Theory is wrong

Scientist claims she has mathematical proof black holes cannot exist She said it is impossible for stars to collapse and form a singularity Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton said she is still in ‘shock’ from the find Previously, scientists thought stars much larger than the sun collapsed under their own gravity and formed black holes when they […]

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Scientist Sues Cal State Northridge After he Was Fired For Christian Beliefs

Dr. Mark Armitage, a former scientist at California State University, Northridge, filed a lawsuit against the institution alleging a “wrongful termination” after he was fired for publishing evidence that suggested the world is 4,000 years old. Armitage, who is identified as an evangelical Christian, said he discovered soft tissue and osteocytes on a Triceratops horn during a 2012 summer […]

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Supreme Court Strikes Down Obamacare Abortion Pill Rule as Violation of Religious Liberty

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that a key regulation in President Barack Obama’s signature health care legislation is illegal as applied to millions of Americans of faith, as well as their businesses or organizations. In Obamacare’s second round before the nation’s highest court, Justice Samuel […]

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Why Evolution is False

This month we are going to examine the specific arguments Coyne presents in favor of evolution. What Are We Talking About? Here is Coyne’s definition of evolution: In essence, the modern theory of evolution is easy to grasp. It can be summarized in a single (albeit slightly long) sentence: Life on earth evolved gradually beginning with […]

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