Europe: Worst for Jews Since End of WW2

by Hillel Fendel European Jewry is in its worst condition since the end of World War II. This bleak evaluation was delivered by European Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor on Tuesday. “Jews are afraid to walk the streets in Europe with Jewish symbols”, Kantor said. “Synagogues, Jewish schools and kindergartens require barbed-wire fences and security, […]

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Here Come the Burqa Bans

by David J. Rusin  •  May 31, 2010 at 10:03 pm Call it the fashion trend of the year. Westerners are sick and tired of burqas and niqabs — the face-covering veils worn by a minority of Muslim women — and they are not going to take it anymore. Most remarkable of all, many politicians […]

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How Islamists Came to Dominate European Islam

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online May 25, 2010  The 7/7 bombings in London, in which Islamists killed 52 and injured 700, prompted British authorities to work with Muslims to avoid future violence.  However, rather than turn to anti-Islamist Muslims who reject the triumphalist goal of applying Islamic law in Europe, they promoted non-violent Islamists, […]

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Guess Who ‘Enjoys’ US-Israeli Tensions

Who is having an “unusual and enjoyable new experience” watching the US-Israel spat? Q: Who said the following? It has been an unusual and enjoyable new experience to be able to look on as the Israelis argued with their most important ally. The fact that the dispute is over Jewish settlements is even better for […]

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Cameron Elected as British PM

David Cameron was today appointed the new UK Prime Minister. This follows five days of negotiation after the May 6 general election resulted in a hung parliament. While the Conservative Party won the largest number of seats, they lacked enough for a majority government, and will consequently form a coalition with the Liberal Democrats, who […]

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Turkey Helping Hamas Prepare for Anti-Israel Ships

Turkish aid is instrumental in helping Hamas clean and prepare the Gaza port, in preparation for the arrival of the anti-Israel protest flotilla later this month. Pro-PLO organizations in Europe that have aligned themselves with Hamas are planning a flotilla of aid to the Gaza Strip. The coordinators of what some call the “ship intifada” […]

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Tories Win Most Seats, Not Majority in British Parliament, Polls Show

The result would bear out predictions that this election would not give any party a majority, resulting in a destabilizing period of political wrangling and uncertainty. LONDON — David Cameron’s rejuvenated Conservatives captured far more seats than Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s battered Labour Party but failed to win an absolute majority Thursday in Britain’s national […]

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Palestine Betrayed

by Efraim Karsh Yale, 336 pp., $32.50 Reviewed by Daniel Pipes National Review May 17, 2010 Nakba, the Arabic word for “catastrophe,” has entered the English language in reference to the Arab–Israeli conflict. As defined by the anti-Israel website The Electronic Intifada, Nakba means “the expulsion and dispossession of hundreds of thousands [of] Palestinians from […]

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