Monkeypox is a gay disease spread by seminal fluid, not merely skin contact, study finds

Image: Monkeypox is a gay disease spread by seminal fluid, not merely skin contact, study finds
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(Natural News)
The know-it-alls in “science” have come to the conclusion that so-called “monkeypox” is not spreading through simple skin-to-skin contact, but is rather a product of homosexual activity.

The main driver of the alleged disease is men who have sex with men, “experts” say. Numerous peer-reviewed studies point to monkeypox transmission being a factor of gay sex. (Related: Even though monkeypox is a gay disease, the globalists are still pushing for innocent children to be “vaccinated” against it.)

“A growing body of evidence supports that sexual transmission, particularly through seminal fluids, is occurring with the current monkeypox outbreak,” claims Aniruddha Hazra, medical director of The University of Chicago‘s Sexual Wellness Clinic.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not yet acknowledged this claim, and numerous “scientists” reportedly told NBC News that they are pushing for the CDC to address the gay link to monkeypox.

An essay published on Medium claims that, based on a review of all available science about the alleged outbreak of monkeypox, men who engage in sexual behavior with other men are the culprits.

“It looks very clear to us that this is an infection that is transmitting sexually the vast majority of the time,” wrote Jeffrey Klausner, an infectious disease physician at the University of Southern California (USC), and Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz, a resident physician in global health at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

WHO still hesitant to tie monkeypox to gay sex

Not everyone is in agreement with this assessment, including Rosamund Lewis, the technical lead for monkeypox at the World Health Organization (WHO). According to Lewis, “we don’t know yet” whether monkeypox is transmitted through gay sex.

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“Completely reading the situation as uniquely due to anal or oral sex is highly likely to be overreach,” she said. “The correlation may appear to be strong, but that does not explain the whole picture of disease caused by this virus. So we need to keep an open mind.”

Perhaps the monkey disease spreads more easily through gay activity but not exclusively through gay activity. This is another speculative idea being put forth by people who claim to be astute in scientific inquiry.

“At this point, I’m not sure we can say it is primarily the sexual transmission and not the skin-to-skin contact that also occurs during sex that is contributing to the most transmission during this current outbreak,” argues Paul Adamson, an infectious disease specialist at the UCLA School of Medicine.

“However, emerging data seem to suggest that monkeypox might be more efficiently transmitted sexually.”

Klausner, conversely, is convinced that gay sex is the primary spreader of the monkey disease, which the media continues to push as the next big plandemic.

There is a really good chance that the monkey disease is just Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” adverse events manifesting as boils on the skin. NBC News of course did not even bring this up as a possibility in its reporting, but it seems the most likely – assuming the monkeypox outbreak is even real at all.

It is hard to say what is real anymore, and what is just media and government fearmongering and tale-telling. There is still no proof whatsoever that the Fauci Flu is a real virus since it was never isolated – so is monkeypox real?

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We know that covid injection adverse events are real, and that many people who took the shots are now seriously ill or dead because of their obedience to the government. With that in mind, be extra cautious about buying into all the monkeypox hysteria.

The latest news about monkeypox can be found at

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