Black Conservatives Reject Media’s Racism, Victimhood Narratives, Condemn #BlackLivesMatter

Prominent black conservatives are seeing how the mainstream media are using the death of George Floyd  — to portray America as racist, to vilify all police officers, to force the mantle of victimhood onto black Americans — and they are calling foul. Notable figures including Candace Owens, Rob Smith, Terrence K. Williams, and Keith and […]

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Stating The Obvious: Psychology Research Violent Protests For A Movement Turn People Against A Movement

by Andrew Bieszad People generally do not like violence because it is not enjoyable to be around. recently noted that a new psychology study has found the obvious, which is that violent protests in favor of a particular movement tend to make people turn against the movement. New research indicates that extreme protest tactics tend […]

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Riots Spreading from Large Cities to Suburbs Like Scottsdale AZ and Palm Springs CA

Original outrage over the death of George Floyd, which has prompted nationwide protests, has turned into an opportunity for criminals to loot and destroy neighborhoods.  Protesters are not targeting police stations or government buildings in protect, but rather choosing upscale shopping centers like Rodeo Drive, or the Scottsdale Fashion center in Arizona.   The next […]

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