The Obama Oil Embargo

From canceling oil leases in his second week in office to denying the XL Pipeline this year President Obama and his administration have offered up a non-stop assault on affordable energy.  Now that high gasoline prices have come home to roost, the president is flailing around for an energy policy. His recent attempts at energy […]

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Islam’s Cartoon Missionaries

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online April 17, 2012 Comic books as a method of missionizing for Islam (da’wa)? Yes. One year ago, Harvard University hosted a workshop to teach comic book artists how to address Americans’ “unease with Islam and the Middle East.” And later this week, Georgetown University will air a PBS documentary, […]

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New Research Confirms that Spending Cuts Stimulate the Economy

New research suggests that legislators should cut spending and enact growth-inducing policies. The reasoning? According to the study, spending cuts can positively affect economic growth and are the only historically reliable way to lower deficits and debt. The authors of the study, Alberto Alesina and Francesco Giavazzi, write that “spending-based consolidations [spending cuts] accompanied by […]

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Israel is Not the Threat, Mr. Obama. Iran is.

The Obama administration appears to be conducting an organized campaign of public pressure to stop Israel from attacking Iran’s well-developed nuclear-weapons program. So intense is this effort, and so determined is President Obama to succeed, that administration officials are now leaking highly sensitive information about Israel’s intentions and capabilities into the news media. The president’s […]

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Flytilla Fails to Take Off

Flytilla Fails to Take Off April 16, 2012 14:14 by Simon Plosker It was meant to be a Palestinian PR dream. Over 2,000 activists scheduled to converge on Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport, arriving on planes from around the world as part of a “Welcome to Palestine” flytilla. Israel had done its homework, however. No-fly lists of […]

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Why the RNC Fired Michael Steele

By: Peter Egan April 4th, 2012 Despite the unwavering and dedicated efforts of the liberal elitists at the Republican National Committee doing everything within their capabilities to subvert the will of the voters and install Massachusetts liberal Mitt Romney as the 2012 GOP Presidential nominee, there remains an outside shot that the sentiments of the […]

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Crisis in U.S.–Pakistan Ties Subsides, but Disconnect on Terrorism Persists

Pakistan’s parliament Thursday approved recommendations of a parliamentary committee to reset the terms of U.S.–Pakistan relations, paving the way for the reopening of NATO supply routes and the resumption of high-level U.S.–Pakistan diplomatic engagement. The supply routes were shut down and high-level visits suspended following a NATO air strike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers along […]

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