Most Israelis are wary of Donald Trump.

Why Israelis Are Worried About Donald Trump

by Gregg Roman and Eylon Aslan-Levy The Daily Caller March 24, 2016 Where does Donald Trump stand on the Arab-Israeli conflict? As with so much else, the only consistent feature of Trump’s remarks is their off-the-cuff and contradictory nature. Trump’s foreign policy thinking might be truly as shambolic as the sentences in which it is […]

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Anti-Israel protesters threaten AIPAC conference

Hundreds of far left, Muslim extremist and Neturei Karta (a radically anti-Israel fringe hareidi group) protesters held a vocal anti-Israel demonstration on Sunday outside the Jewish American AIPAC conference in Washington DC. The protesters tried to block the entrance before moving on, and succeeded in blocking one entrance completely. Participants in the conference were advised to […]

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US State Department Webpage Erases Israel

While the US State Department’s refusal to recognize Jerusalem as being part of the State of Israel is well-known and was even the subject of a US Supreme Court case, it seems that the official US visa information and appointment services website has erased Israel completely. Elder of Ziyon notes that the visa application website is run […]

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Abbas snubs Biden’s call to condemn attacks

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday said he opposed “all forms of violence” but ignored a call from US Vice President Joe Biden to explicitly condemn terrorist attacks on Israelis. “Our hand is outstretched in peace founded on justice and respect for the rights of everyone,” Abbas told a joint press conference in Ramallah with visiting […]

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Ed Miliband postpones Oxford event over anti-Semitism allegation

Former British Labour Party leader Ed Miliband has postponed an event at the Oxford University Labour Club (OULC) following allegations of anti-Semitism at the student organization. Miliband, who is Jewish, was due to address the club’s annual John Smith Memorial Dinner on March 4. A spokesperson for Miliband told the New Statesman: “Ed is deeply […]

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Science Channel: Yet Another Map Fail

Hot on the heels of Israel’s erasure from the map by CNN, NPR, and the Health Professions Council of South Africa, the latest example has been brought to our attention. While the episode of the Discovery network’s Science Channel’s “What on Earth?” was originally broadcast in March 2015, it is still appearing on recent reruns. The […]

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Watch: How do Europeans respond to ‘settlement’ chocolate?

What does the average European think about the recent EU decision to label Jewish goods from Judea-Samaria? The Lev HaOlam organization set up shop in a central Amsterdam square to find out. Equipped with a tray of chocolates produced in Hevron, they group offered the chocolates to passersby and asked if they’d heard about the EU’s controversial decision. […]

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