Senator Cruz Delivered Powerful Speech in Senate Calling Out Obama and Kerry as Enemies of Israel

On January 5th, 2017, Ted Cruz defended Israel against the treacherous actions of the Obama Administration at the United Nations.  Cruz rightly calls Obama and Kerry enemies of Israel. Cruz also warns that Obama might still attempt to cause Israel more harm before Obama leaves office by recognizing a Palestinian state. The must-watch video can be […]

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Egypt ‘Proves’ U.S.-Palestinian Collusion Against Israel at the UN

Israel calls recent U.N. resolution “the tip of the iceberg.” An Egyptian paper just published what it claims are the actual transcripts of meetings that occurred earlier this month between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Senior Palestinian Negotiator Saeb Erekat. If the documents are authenticated, the incident confirms Israel’s allegations that Washington and […]

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The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat

by Daniel Pipes Commentary January 2017 Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy sadly fits the classic description of insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” The identical assumptions – land-for-peace and the two-state solution, with the burden primarily on Israel – stay permanently in place, no matter how often they fail. Decades of […]

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Trump Wants Netanyahu at Inauguration

The President-elect’s team want Netanyahu to attend the inauguration or meet just before it. JTA – President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team leaders have been “aggressively courting” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to come to the Jan. 20 inauguration, the New York Post reported. The newspaper cited an unnamed source “close to the transition” in its report on Saturday. […]

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Obama Doubles Down on Political Stupidity

By Mitch Wolfe In my book, (written and published before the election), “Trump: How He Captured The Trump White House,” I write at length how Obama will be considered one of the most over-rated and politically incompetent presidents since World War II. Obama’s most recent UN blunder just further destroyed Obama’s political reputation. This past […]

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Senator Ted Cruz: Eliminate US Funding Of The UN

Ted Cruz—Facebook Today’s United Nations vote is the culmination of this administration’s systemic agenda to weaken #Israel and strengthen its enemies. Every Obama foreign policy official should be ashamed of today’s UN resolution, and any official who disagrees with or hopes to avoid the anti-Israel legacy of this Administration should resign on principle today. I […]

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Trump taps Israel envoy, eyes moving embassy to Jerusalem

President-elect Donald Trump announced Thursday that he will nominate attorney David Friedman as U.S. ambassador to Israel, selecting an envoy who supports Israeli settlements and other changes to U.S. policies in the region. Friedman said he looked forward to carrying out his duties from “the U.S. embassy in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem,” . Trump, like […]

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Muslim Cab Driver Indicted for Sexually Assaulting Underage Jewish Girl

Prosecutors in the capital of Israel indicted Ziad Awadallah on Monday, charging the eastern Jerusalem taxi driver with repeatedly sexually assaulting a 13-year old girl in his cab. Police caught the driver two weeks ago with the victim, a member of the haredi community, under suspicious circumstances in the French Hill neighborhood. The girl revealed […]

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