PM Binyamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu: Palestinians want ethnic cleansing

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met Tuesday with haredi journalists in his office in Jerusalem, capping off a series of meetings with various groups of reporters over the past several days. During the event, Netanyahu responded to questions regarding the possible evacuation of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria as part of a final status agreement […]

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Why did Donald Trump launch a Twitter feed in Hebrew?

The Trump campaign has launched a Hebrew-language Twitter feed, aiming to boost support for the GOP presidential nominee in Israel and raising an interesting question: Just how many potential U.S. voters in Israel don’t speak English? The feed, launched Monday night, is named “Campaign Trump b’Yisrael,” and uses the generic handle @USAISRAEL2016, though a quick […]

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Black Lives Matter Defends Israeli ‘Genocide’ Claims and Proves that BLM is Only a Front for Hate

JTA – The co-author of the Black Lives Matter platform passage accusing Israel of “genocide” defended the term, saying Israel’s actions fit in its wider definition. Ben Ndugga-Kabuye co-authored the statement along with Rachel Gilmer, the former board member of a Zionist youth group. Ndugga-Kabuye told JTA he understood why Jewish groups disagree with the […]

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Terrorists Are NOT Victims

Yesterday, a number of newspapers absurdly managed to turn a terrorist into a victim, and the Israeli forces who were trying to arrest him, into attackers. It was a true feat of verbal gymnastics. And it’s just plain wrong. What actually happened? Israeli security forces tracked down Mohamed al Fakih, the terrorist who murdered Rabbi Miki Mark earlier this month. […]

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Israel to upgrade ties with NATO

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday that Israel would upgrade its ties with the 28-member NATO military alliance by opening a permanent mission to its Brussels headquarters. “I declare that Israel will accept the invitation and open an office, in the near future,” Netanyahu said at the start of a cabinet meeting. “The countries of the world want […]

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Gaza Sewage Threatens Israeli Beaches

Gaza’s ongoing sewage problem is getting worse, experts warn, and the consequences could have direct impact on the lives of Israelis For decades, Gaza’s inadequate waste treatment system has been a burden both to Gaza residents and neighboring countries on the Mediterranean coast. With a rapidly growing population, years of neglect have caught up with […]

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Protected Christians in Muslim lands

By Yoram Ettinger Bethlehem’s Christian Arab leaders lobbied Israel against transferring the city to the Palestinian Authority. Thus, in 1993, on the eve of signing the Oslo Accord, the Christian mayor of Bethlehem, Elias Freij, urged Israel’s Prime Minister Rabin to annex Bethlehem into Greater Jerusalem – as it was under the Ottoman, British and […]

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Refugees bring anti-Semitism to Europe, warns Hungarian minister

A senior Hungarian Cabinet minister warned that refugees entering Europe are anti-Semitic to defend his government’s tough stance on admitting them. Janos Lazar, Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s powerful Cabinet chief, delivered the warning April 14 during a news conference in Budapest, the news site NOL reported. “Refugees entering Europe now are strongly anti-Semitic,” he said […]

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