Small Business Owner Questions Why Justice Department Would Threaten His Livelihood

A third-generation veteran says the government is choking him from his livelihood, blocking his access to bank accounts and forcing him to pay exorbitant fees for basic financial services. “I’m an American, and when the government does something like this to its own citizens, it has to be stopped,” said Andy Kramer, owner of Discount […]

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What’s Different About Today’s Obamacare Repeal Vote

Tuesday, for the fourth time, the U.S. House will vote to fully repeal Obamacare. What’s different, though, is that with a GOP-controlled Senate, Republicans can attack President Obama’s signature legislation on their own terms. The showdown over the Affordable Care Act comes as conservatives want GOP leaders to fulfill a campaign promise to repeal the […]

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Progress Made on Nuclear Waste Management

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) yesterday completed the last two of five volumes in its safety evaluation report on a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. While the NRC has yet to finish the licensing process for Yucca Mountain, this report ultimately allows the nation to move forward with a long-term plan for managing nuclear […]

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Republican Congressman Urges House Leadership to Use Reconciliation to Repeal Obamacare

Rep. John Fleming, R-La., is emboldening House leadership to embrace a budget tactic that would lower the threshold of votes needed to rollback provisions of Obamacare. “We all say that we want to repeal Obamacare, and we would all love a clean, full repeal,” Fleming said in an interview with The Daily Signal. “But the […]

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Rare Identical Triplets Overcome the Odds for Healthy Birth

Liz Wells and Chris Jarobe recently became the proud parents of triplets. But they weren’t your average triplets. The three babies are identical. Dr. Rob Hopkin, a geneticist from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, told WXIX that identical triplets are “very rare,” and are at an increased risk for birth defects or even death. “There’s a very high […]

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Congress Can Fix New D.C. Bills That Force Pro-Life Groups to Pay for Abortion, Religious Schools to Violate Beliefs

Over the weekend, District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser signed into law two pieces of bad legislation. These policies will saddle religious organizations and employers with a choice of complying with coercive laws that force them to violate their religious beliefs and organizational missions, or staying true to their beliefs in defiance of unjust laws. […]

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