Cartoon: Obama’s Handouts

from Heritage Action CEO Mike Needham’s column earlier this week: Allow funding for the Department of Homeland Security to lapse or engage in the legislative process. Those are the only two options Senate Democrats have at this point. Everything else transcribed in the press or recited by television pundits is nothing more than a distraction. […]

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Congress Is About to Impose Another Unfunded Mandate On Doctors

Doctors in their day-to-day practice already face a mound of federal regulations. Now, starting Oct. 1, doctors will face a new unfunded mandate as they will be required to transition to a costly and complicated coding system for payment. While the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) system was originally designed specifically for disease classification, since […]

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‘We Love This Land’: Iraqi Christian Men Fight to Keep ISIS Away From Homes

Athra Kado had never shot a gun before, let alone seen a battlefield. Until recently Kado, 25, spent his young career in a classroom, teaching high school students how to speak Syriac, his native language. But Kado is one of hundreds of Assyrian Christian men—many with no military experience—taking up arms to protect their towns […]

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How One Nebraska Woman Lost Her Health Insurance Three Times Under Obamacare

Dec. 26, 2014, was strike three for Pamela Weldin. The day after Christmas, Weldin, of Minatare, Neb., had logged on to Facebook to find a message from a friend of hers. Included in the note was a link to an article from the Omaha World-Herald announcing that CoOportunity Health, a nonprofit health insurance company offering plans […]

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Boehner: House ‘Has Done Its Job,’ Homeland Security Funding Up to Senate Democrats

House Speaker John Boehner said today that if funding for the Department of Homeland Security expires on Feb. 27, then the responsibility lies with Senate Democrats. During an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” Boehner, R-Ohio, said he is “certainly” prepared to allow the agency to shut down because Senate Democrats “would be to blame.” “The House has done […]

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The Fed Isn’t Currently Independent of Congress

The club of U.S. central bankers appears jittery, but it’s not because of interest rates, unemployment, or mortgage-backed securities.  It’s because of Congress. The Fed appears particularly nervous that Congress will pass Rand Paul’s audit bill and some version of the Federal Reserve Accountability and Transparency Act (the FRAT Act). Alan Blinder, a former vice […]

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Sweet Tweets on Valentine’s Day from Hopefuls Courting Voters in 2016

Just how comfortable with public displays of affection are the men and women who would be president? A look at their social media accounts today is one way to find out. With less than 12 hours left on Valentine’s Day, though, the Democrats and Republicans thinking about setting their hearts on the White House next year aren’t exactly […]

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Marco Rubio Is Attempting to End Operation Choke Point Once and for All

Sen. Marco Rubio is attempting to end Operation Choke Point—for good. The Florida Republican and potential 2016 presidential candidate introduced legislation yesterday that would completely defund the Justice Department program while protecting gun sellers and manufacturers from future attempts to eradicate the industry. “It has become clear that the FDIC and the Department of Justice […]

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Conservatives Question Obama’s Request for Military Force Against ISIS

Conservative lawmakers are raising questions and voicing concerns about President Obama’s request to use of military force against the Islamic State, otherwise known as ISIS or ISIL. At today’s Conversations with Conservatives, a Capitol Hill event organized by The Daily Signal, several members of Congress said they were uncertain about the Authorization for Use of […]

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