Exclusive: HealthCare.gov Users Warn of Security Risk, Breach of Privacy

Justin Hadley logged on to HealthCare.gov to evaluate his insurance options after his health plan was canceled. What he discovered was an apparent security flaw that disclosed eligibility letters addressed to individuals from another state. “I was in complete shock,” said Hadley, who contacted Heritage after becoming alarmed at the breach of privacy. Hadley, a […]

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The Conservative Alternative to Obamacare

Dear friends, We’ve been very critical of Obamacare because it’s hurting Americans. But that has caused some to ask, “What’s your alternative?” The truth is, we’ve always had alternatives, but our critics weren’t ready to listen. Now, the disastrous rollout of Obamacare has a lot of people asking for alternatives to government-run health care. And […]

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Kerry Touts Religious Liberty as Obamacare Forces Americans to Act Against Their Faith

(CNSNews.com) – In a statement to mark International Religious Freedom Day, Secretary of State John Kerry said he and President Barack Obama consider religious liberty “a priority” even as some 75 lawsuits have been filed to fight the Obamacare regulation that would force Catholics and others to pay for health insurance plans that offer contraceptives, […]

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Obama and Sebelius: Obamacare Didn’t Cancel Your Plans

Obamacare dictates what government-approved health insurance looks like. That’s the whole point of the law. You must buy government-approved health insurance, and the bureaucrats will tell you what it must cover. But President Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius are now denying this. Yesterday, they both came out publicly to tell America […]

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How the Administration Knew Americans Would Lose Their Current Health Plans

There has been much chatter about an NBC News report last night highlighting one clear fact: The Obama Administration knew millions of Americans would lose their current health plans due to Obamacare. That the Administration knew about the impact of Obamacare on Americans’ health plans is clear, not least because internal Administration documents suggest an […]

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Republican Issa Introduces Bill to Allow Americans Access to Same Health Insurance as Members of Congress

WASHINGTON — Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista, on Thursday introduced a bill that would allow non-federal employees to purchase the same health-care policies as members of Congress and their staffs. By doing so, Issa is reviving an issue that has surfaced repeatedly during the debate over Obamacare — should federal employees continue to get government-provided health […]

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