Israel Warned Kenya Before Nairobi Attack

Israel was among those who warned Kenya’s government of the high risk of an attack before the deadly assault on a Nairobi mall by Islamist terrorists, security sources have told the AFP news agency. Cabinet ministers and Kenya’s army chief had received information warning of a plan to carry out a major attack, the officials […]

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Is the Knesset in the capital of Israel?

Israeli MKs Push for ‘Meatless Monday’ and Compassion in Knesset

Member of Knesset Dov Lipman (Yesh Atid) has joined media personality Miki Haimovich in promoting the “Meatless Mondays” initiative. Lipman hopes to bring Meatless Mondays to the Knesset. Lipman met with Haimovich to discuss the possibility of a Meatless Mondays Knesset Lobby, which would promote vegetarianism, or simply a reduction in meat consumption, in order […]

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Canada’s FM: We’re Not Neutral on Israel’s Security

Canada’s Foreign Minister, John Baird, reiterated on Monday his country’s commitment to Israel’s security. In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Baird also warned against Iran’s recent conciliatory remarks, saying that they must be followed up by actions. “Some observers see encouraging signs, but sound bites do not remove threats to global security. […]

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Sign the Petition Against the Demonization of Israel

Sign the Petition October 2, 2013 14:02 by Simon Plosker Recent cases of anti-Israel bias have crossed the line. Demonization of Israel is recognized as a form of anti-Semitism in both the U.S. State Department and European Union Working Definitions of Anti-Semitism. It’s time for the media to adopt these recognized and considered definitions of anti-Semitism. Find out more […]

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Photojournalist Stages News for Profit and Ideology

July 31, 2013 15:01 by Pesach Benson Fadi Arouri is one of Ramallah’s biggest opponents of normalizing Israeli-Palestinian ties. He’s also a photographer who isn’t interested in separating his professional journalism and political activism. And that raises questions about his association with the Reuters wire service and China’s Xinhua News Agency. HonestReporting has learned Reuters […]

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Scoring the Syria Deal

by Daniel Pipes National Review Online September 17, 2013 [Differs in minor ways from the NRO version.] Diplomacy has never witnessed anything like the dizzying and erratic sequence of events relating to Syria that began on Wednesday, Aug. 21 and ended 3½ weeks later, on Saturday, Sept. 14. Who won, who lost? It’s too soon […]

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