New Iranian Foreign Minister a Holocaust Denier

August 6, 2013 16:47 by Pesach Benson Hassan Rohani proves his “moderation” by appointing as foreign minister the Holocaust denying Mohammad Javad Zarif. Zarif has previously served as Iran’s ambassador to the UN. David Feith (Wall St. Journal via Google News) writes: “Iran Nominee Seen As Olive Branch to United States,” blares a headline from […]

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Israeli Ex-Mossad Head: Peace Talks were Bungled

Meir Dagan, the former head of the Mossad intelligence agency, said in an interview published Tuesday that the negotiations vis-a-vis the Palestinian Authority (PA) were poorly handled and therefore do not have much chance of succeeding. “This should have been handled differently,” he explained. “We should have conducted secret negotiations with the Arab League, and […]

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Abbas’s Fatah Celebrates Murders of Jews on Facebook

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported Tuesday on an official Fatah Facebook page that is celebrating murderous terror attacks on Jews, in a list encompassing decades. Fatah is headed by Mahmoud Abbas, who heads the Palestinian Authority with which Israel is currently conducting “peace talks.” Among the celebrated attacks was the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s […]

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Netanyahu and Obama

Obama to Netanyahu: Action Promised on Iran in Return for Peace Talks

U.S. President Barack Obama gave a commitment to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, to take action “in the coming months” regarding the Iranian nuclear threat, in exchange for Israel’s agreement to renew “peace talks” with the Palestinian Authority (PA), a security source told Arutz Sheva. The source said, however, that Obama did not reach a specific […]

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Rouhani: Israel an ‘Old Wound’ to be Removed

Iran’s new president has called Israel an “old wound” that “should be removed,” in comments to reporters published two days ahead of his inauguration. Hasan Rouhani’s remarks about Israel show he is just as full of hatred toward Israel as was his predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and no less unbridled in expressing it. Iran’s semi-official ISNA […]

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Embarrassment as Anti-Israel Claims Debunked

Pro-Israel activists have derided the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) anti-Israel movement, after a widely-trumpeted “success” in their campaign to isolate Israel was revealed to have been fabricated. In the last few years, anti-Israel activists have embarked on a campaign to isolate the State of Israel politically and economically, calling for international boycotts and sanctions […]

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Iran May Try New Path to Nukes

Iran may be preparing to use a heavy water reactor for producing weapons-grade plutonium, according to U.S. and European officials cited in the Wall Street Journal. This is an alternative method for reaching a nuclear bomb, which joins its existing uranium enrichment project. A heavy-water reactor is an easier target to hit than the underground […]

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