Liberal Billionaire Financier George Soros Admits: Obama, Romney ‘Not Much Difference’ (VIDEO)

Billionaire financier George Soros thinks that, if Mitt Romney wins the presidency, there will be “little difference” between him and Barack Obama in the White House. Soros offered the reassuring news to liberals across Europe during an interview this week in Davos, Switzerland. As policymakers from Hong Kong to Canada pressed Greece and its creditors […]

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Kevin Chavous on His Tireless Efforts for School Choice

Few legislators have done more to advance school choice than Kevin Chavous. As a city councilmember in Washington D.C. from 1992 to 2004, and a chairman of the council’s Education Committee, Chavous was instrumental in implementing the city’s landmark Opportunity Scholarship Program. A partnership between the federal and city governments, the DC OSP was one […]

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Green Energy Irony: Obama’s 22-Vehicle Fossil Fuel Motorcade (VIDEO)

Yesterday, President Barack Obama rolled through Las Vegas to push for federal investment in clean energy vehicles, making his pitch at a UPS plant, escorted by a motorcade of 22 fossil fuel-burning vehicles. We haven’t seen anything this ironic since Al Gore hopped on a private jet to promote his global warming flick “An Inconvenient […]

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Housing Market

State of the Housing Market: New Refinancing Promises?

During his State of the Union speech, President Obama introduced a new plan to save responsible homeowner $3,000 a year on their mortgages by refinancing at historically low interest rates. Americans would be wise to be cautious, however, about the new efforts by the federal government. The federal government’s previous intervention in the market has […]

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