The Islamic future of Britain

Britain is in denial. If population trends continue, by the year 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation. Britain is in denial. There is no real public debate on a historic event that is transforming the country. Mention of it occasionally surfaces in the media, but the mainstream political class never openly discuss it. […]

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IDF Micro Galil Rifle

Israel Exported Military Arms and Security Equipment to Muslim Countries

June 11, 2013 13:29 by Pesach Benson Israel exported military equipment to Arab countries? Say it ain’t so! Israel has exported security equipment over the past five years to Pakistan and four Arab countries, according to a British government report. The report, which deals with British government permits for arms and security equipment exports, says […]

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Tony Blair says murder of Lee Rigby PROVES ‘there is a problem within Islam’

Ex-PM says ‘the ideology behind his murder is profound and dangerous’ Bold intervention comes of ever of Cameron Commons speech Blair urges governments to ‘be honest’ Tony Blair today makes his most powerful political intervention since leaving Downing Street by launching an outspoken attack on ‘the problem within Islam’. The former Prime Minister addresses the […]

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Paul Weston on the Woolwich Killing, Islam and the State of Modern Britain

Paul Weston, Chairman of new political party Liberty GB, speaks out about the Woolwich murder, Islam and the state of Britain today. Liberty GB is here to protect the traditional British way of life, which has been ignored by the so-called ‘Conservative’ Party. We are a culturist, traditionalist and patriotic party that will talk truthfully […]

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Muslim Heinous Acts of Beheading in the West

by Daniel Pipes May 23, 2013 Cross-posted from National Review Online, The Corner The gruesome murder yesterday of a soldier outside London by a Muslim convert, Michael Adebolajo, brings to mind that throat slitting and beheading are Islamically sanctioned forms of execution. Although these occur particularly often in the course of family-related crimes – think, […]

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Obama Administration Refuses to Label London Attack as Terrorism

Newscom Yesterday’s appalling attack on a London street in the middle of the day, which left a British solider dead, was a barbaric act of terrorism perpetrated by Islamist fundamentalists. British Prime Minister David Cameron acknowledged the motivations behind yesterday’s cowardly act by saying: This country will be absolutely resolute in its stand against violent […]

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‘Stunningly Offensive’ Church Paper ‘Negates Beliefs of Judaism’

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has denounced as “stunningly offensive” a paper published by the Church of Scotland that negates the core beliefs of Judaism regarding G-d’s promises about the Land of Israel and the Jewish people. “The very premise of the paper reflects a classic rejection of Judaism in the broadest sense,” said the ADL. The […]

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