Drone Strikes

Iran Shoots at US Aircraft in International Airspace, Obama does Nothing!

Iran fired on an unarmed U.S. drone last week as it was hovering in international airspace, the Pentagon announced Thursday. Spokesman George Little said the incident occurred Nov. 1 at 4:50 a.m. ET. He said the unarmed, unmanned drone was conducting “routine surveillance” over the Persian Gulf when it was “intercepted” by Iran. He said […]

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“Filibuster Reform” Is Misleading

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has a new idea to make it easier to pass legislation: Cut Republicans out of the process. He’s calling it “filibuster reform,” but it would do away with the minority’s historic rights because they are an inconvenience to the Democrats’ liberal, uncompromising political agenda. After all, when was the […]

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Scalia on Restoring Constitution: ‘I Don’t Know That I’m Optimistic’

(CNSNews.com) – Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said recently that–“especially after last term”–he does not know if he is confident the Constitution can be restored to its original meaning. He likened his own efforts to do so to the character “Frodo” in the Lord of the Rings, who fights the good fight not certain he […]

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Welcome to the dependent states of America

BY: JOSH BERNSTEIN If the most successful business executive to ever run for president can’t get elected with 23 million people out of work and an 8 percent unemployment rate, than it’s over. No incumbent President in history has won reelection under those conditions. Mitt Romney didn’t just lose an election, America lost its foundation. This is the new America. […]

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51 States: Puerto Ricans opt for Statehood

A slim majority of Puerto Ricans sought to change their ties with the United States and become the 51st U.S. state in a non-binding referendum that would require final approval from Congress. The two-part referendum asked whether the island wanted to change its 114-year relationship with the United States. Nearly 54 percent, or 922,374 people, sought to change it, while […]

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The Downfall of Russia’s Defense Minister

On November 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin sacked Defense Minister Anatoly E. Serdyukov, who has held the post since 2007. Serdyukov had overseen the largest and most radical military reform of the Russian armed forces since the creation of the Red Army in 1918. Under Serdyukov, a former furniture businessman and senior tax collection official, […]

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One Day Left To Overthrow Obama! Facts About Critical Senate Seats Listed By State

We are one day away from the most momentous election of our generation. America cannot afford four more years of a Democrat majority Senate and Obama’s socialist policies. America has run out of time to ignore our national security crises, our national fiscal crises – to say nothing of our eroding sense of national purpose, […]

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True The Vote Announces National Election Integrity Hotline (855-444-6100)

HOUSTON, Nov. 5, 2012 — Citizens encouraged to report illegal activity at the voting polls by phone, email and video Call toll-free 855-444-6100 to report suspicious incidents at the polls HOUSTON, Nov. 5, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — True the Vote (TTV), the nonpartisan election integrity organization, today announced the availability of its Election Integrity Hotline, to help document illegal activity inside […]

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