By merely adding up recent media reports, the National Center for Public Policy Research discovered that 1.5 million insurance cancellations have already gone out. These cancellations are all due to the ObamaCare mandate that requires every health insurance policy meet a minimum requirement of a one-size-fits-all Cadillac plan that forces people to pay for coverage they neither want nor need.
During his sales job to pass his signature health insurance plan, President Obama repeatedly and without qualification promised the American people that if you liked your insurance plan, you could keep it. Obama also promised everyone that their premiums would decrease and that he would never raise taxes on the middle class.
Already 1.5 million have had insurance they were happy with stripped from them. If the Congressional Budget Office is correct, this will happen to millions more.
That is one broken promise.
Sunday, the LA Times reported that middle-class Californians face, on average, a 30% rate increase “due to several factors ties to” ObamaCare. That is just one state, and it is another broken promise.
One could also argue that these premium increases are nothing more than tax increases to pay for ObamaCare. So that is another broken promise.
Finally, how many of the millions losing the health care plan they like will lose their doctor in the process? That is yet another broken promise.