Pew Poll: Immigration Pessimism on the Rise

Support for a pathway to legal status for illegal immigrants is losing ground,  the number of Americans who believe immigrants are a drain on the country is on the rise, according to a new Pew Research Center report.

The center reports 72 percent of Americans said in a poll conducted in May that illegal immigrants currently living in the U.S. could be allowed to stay in the country legally only if certain requirements are met and the border is sealed. That result has fluctuated only slightly in recent years, according to Pew.

A survey of 2,002 adults also found the number of respondents who see immigrants as a strain on housing, health care and the jobs market has increased 6 points, from 35 percent to 41 percent, over the past two years.

The survey found President Barack Obama with some of his lowest issue approval ratings for his handling of immigration. Only 37 percent approved of the president’s immigration moves, while 56 percent disapproved.

The poll had a 2.5-point margin of error.

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