Iran Balks at the Nuclear Talks

Iran once again has refuted optimistic predictions that meaningful progress would be made on the core issues at stake in the on-again, off-again nuclear negotiations. In two days of talks in Baghdad, Tehran rejected the Western proposal for resolving the nuclear impasse and agreed only to continue the talks in Moscow on June 18–19. After […]

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Debunking Claims Against Missile Defense

The Fiscal Times recently published a hit piece attacking defense contractors who build ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems and the Members of Congress who support them. The three most egregious claims of the piece are as follows: 1. The system doesn’t work. 2. There is no threat. 3. Members of Congress who support these programs […]

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Missile Defense: Problems with an Assurance to Russia

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Steven Pifer responded to Senator Jon Kyl’s (R–AZ) op-ed that argued that President Obama should refuse to provide written assurances to Russia that compromise America’s ability to defend itself. Pifer’s complaint with the Senate Republican Whip’s argument is that “an assurance could open a path to a cooperative NATO-Russia missile […]

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MEADS Development Crucial to U.S. Defense

Former Representative Bob Barr’s (R–GA) criticism of the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) anti-aircraft and missile program is understandable but misplaced. Representative Barr, quite reasonably, points to the Obama Administration’s plan to continue spending money on this cooperative program with Germany and Italy despite an announcement early last year that it is moving to […]

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Liberals Plan Propaganda Campaign to Sway Media After Obamacare Ruling

A month before the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of Obamacare, liberal supporters are already planning an aggressive propaganda campaign to sway media coverage and public opinion. The focus of the liberal public-relations campaign will be on “real people” — individuals who can speak about the impact of the ruling regardless […]

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Progressives: Caught in Their Own ‘Living Document’ Trap

We know that “progressives” favor what they call “living constitutions,” governing documents that change easily to accommodate the changing tastes of voters. Sometimes they rely on judges to “breathe life” into the Constitution, as the Supreme Court did in 1965’s famous Griswold v. Connecticut. But some also seem to be rooting for dead constitutions. On […]

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