Benghazi Security Contractors” About 25 Americans are still Alive Because We Ignored Obama’s Stand Down Order.

The Obama administration, the CIA, and even some congressional committees—they all said there “was no ‘stand down’ order.” But now five men who helped ward off the terrorists that attacked U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya two years ago say it’s only because they defied such an order that as many as 25 Americans are […]

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Obama and Erdogan Discuss Fighting Anti-Semitism

U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday urged Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to combat anti-Semitism, the White House said in a statement. “The President met with Turkish President Erdogan today in Newport, Wales, where both leaders were attending the NATO Summit. They exchanged views on how best to cooperate in the struggle against ISIS and […]

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Greta Van Susteren: White House Pressured Me to Get Fox News to Back Down on Benghazi

[youtube CNQ0jPJWIbw nolink] Last night, Fox News host Greta Van Susteren said the White House pressured her to get a colleague to back down on a Benghazi story. “I thought the call from the Obama administration was dirty,” Van Susteren said. Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft shared the TV clip and has the complete transcript.   […]

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Obama Trying To Play Down Missing Libyan Airliners 

Washington Free Beacon senior editor Bill Gertz appeared on WMAL radio in Washington, D.C., Wednesday morning to discuss his story on 11 missing airliners from the Tripoli airport. “(U.S. Intelligence is) concerned they could be utilized in a 9/11-style attack,” Gertz said of the planes. “If they don’t use them in suicide attacks, they could […]

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Under Obama, only the richest 10 percent saw incomes rise

By Jennifer Pompi – The Washington Times –  Under President Obama, the richest 10 percent were the only income group of Americans to see their median incomes rise, according to a survey released this week by the Federal Reserve. The Fed data covered the years 2010-2013, during which period Mr. Obama constantly campaigned against income inequality and won re-election by painting his Republican […]

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Study Finds 10% Of California workers are in country illegally

A report released Wednesday by researchers at USC found that immigrants who are in California illegally make up nearly 10% of the state’s workforce and contribute $130 billion annually to its gross domestic product. The study, which was conducted in conjunction with the California Immigrant Policy Center, was based on census data and other statistics, […]

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Due To Rampant Fraud, Two Out of Three People Now Support the Third Person

Due To Rampant Fraud, Two Out of Three People Now Support the Third Person In The Obama U.S. If the threats and promises of our extroverted Muslim leader, one Barack H. Obama, regarding illegally bypassing Congress and the United States Constitution and using Executive Orders are allowed to be put into being, the exacerbated numbers […]

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Judge: Obama  Facing 10 Years To Life In Prison

Shepard Smith asked Judge Andrew Napolitano whether or not the Taliban prisoner exchange was legal under the NDAA H.R. 1960 Statute.  The judge explained that the swap was illegal because taxpayer dollars were spent to remove these prisoners from Guantanamo Bay without giving Congress 30 days notice.  However, Napolitano goes a step further by pointing […]

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