Racist Black Bigot Demands That White People Leave Multicultural Student Center

A sick video posted to social media shows a bigoted racist black student demanding that white people leave the newly opened Multicultural Student Center at University of Virginia. The entitled racist bigot stood up and announced to her peers that white students using the space made her and other people of color uncomfortable. “Public service […]

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We Are All George Zimmerman Now

By George Zimmerman Most people know my name, George Zimmerman, largely due to negative stereotypes propagated by the media as a result of the 2012 incident in Sanford, Florida, in which Trayvon Martin died. Unfortunately, most people don’t recall the fact that I was exonerated of any wrongdoing after a thorough investigation by the Sanford Police […]

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Epstein Jail Warden Sued The Obama Admin for Racism Then Promoted to NY Warden by Eric Holder

Shirley Skipper-Scott, a graduate from Alabama State, was warden of the Metro Correctional Center in New York City where Epstein was slain.  She was reassigned today following the death of the most important inmate of this century, Jeffrey Epstein. She was obviously not the woman for the job. Under her watch she allowed the highest profile prisoner […]

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 Detroit music festival is facing backlash for racially segregated ticket prices; Charging Whites More

A Detroit music festival is facing backlash for racially segregated ticket prices, resulting in the resignation of at least one African-American artist slated to perform. Although the racist festival organizers have tried to justify their clearly racist race-based prices. They falsely assert and assume that black Detroit residents generally have less opportunity to afford entertainment […]

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The Most Fundamental Problem with Democrats’ Push for Reparations

By William Sullivan In 1927, several socialist-leaning American academics visited the Soviet Union, anxious to bring back stories of how successful the new Communist regime had been in its decade of infancy, and how it was exceeding American prosperity by cobbling a technocratic, redistributive path into the future. Many returned with fantastic stories about how America […]

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12 white male San Francisco police officers tired of discrimination file lawsuit

(Law Officer) Twelve white male San Francisco police officers are suing the city due to their discrimination against whites. The officers were passed over for promotions because of their race and gender. The San Francisco Chronicle reports Wednesday that the lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday in federal court, is the latest round in a conflict that dates […]

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75 universities now host blacks-only graduation ceremonies

This month and next dozens of universities across the nation, from private top-tier schools to public state institutions, will host segregated 1960’s like graduation ceremonies and celebrations for their black graduates only. The popularity in offering these segregated graduations also seems to be growing. A new report by the National Association of Scholars that looked at […]

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Inventing Racism at Starbucks

A place filled with racialised hipsters is coincidentally filled with racism. What a coincidence. Most people when asked to leave after not ordering, obliged and try to be civil. However some people have chips on their shoulder, and they rebel and refuse to do the polite thing. This is the case in the Starbucks loiterers. […]

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