Free Checking No More: Thanks, Dodd–Frank!

Free checking accounts, once considered common, are becoming increasingly rare as the enormous costs of new regulations hit banks’ bottom lines. According to the just released 2012 Checking Survey by Bankrate, Inc., a publisher of financial information, only 39 percent of banks continue to offer free checking accounts, a sharp decline from the 76 percent […]

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Batter Up: What’s on Deck for the Supreme Court’s October Term 2012 Term

While other events may compete for our attention this fall (baseball playoffs, football, national election campaigns), next Monday, October 1, marks the beginning of a new Supreme Court term. The Court’s last term also reminds us that the judiciary sometimes plays an outsized role in our republic. Thus, as Heritage’s Elizabeth Slattery explained last week, […]

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President Obama: Wrong on Rhetoric, Wrong on Trade Policy

Trade policy is once again in the spotlight with President Obama’s announcement this week of a new suit against China in the World Trade Organization (WTO). The President announced the action—which argues that China unfairly subsidizes parts of its automotive industry—during a speech on Monday in Ohio. In announcing the action, the President claimed that […]

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Chart of the Week: 70% of Spending Goes to Dependence Programs

Federal spending concentrated on the 47 dependence-creating government programs that include housing, farm subsidies, and entitlements now comprises more than 70.5 percent of total federal expenditures as of 2010, according to Heritage’s Index of Dependence on Government. This represents the fourth year in a row that the Index of Dependence on Government has risen, increasing […]

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Energy Dept. Spends $10 Million on Water Turbine to Power 25 Houses

Photo credit courtesy of NREL The first underwater turbine to make use of tidal energy went live last week in Maine, supported by a $10 million investment by the Department of Energy. The Ocean Renewable Power Company Maine’s Cobscook Bay Tidal Energy Pilot Project received the Energy Department money to build, install, and operate the […]

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Chemical war drill

Concerns Deepen about Syria’s Chemical Weapons as Iran Admits Propping Up Assad Regime

A Syrian defector, who was formerly involved in Syria’s chemical weapons program, charged that the Assad regime has mulled using chemical weapons against opposition forces and predicted that the regime would not hesitate to do so as a last resort. Major General Adnan Sillu, who defected to the opposition three months ago, also contends that […]

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The Medicare Roundup: Setting the Record Straight

In recent weeks, liberal politicians, editorialists, and policy analysts have vigorously attacked reform of Medicare based on a defined contribution financing. In fact, this approach to reforming Medicare has a long bipartisan tradition, going back to the 1980s and Representatives Richard Gephardt (D–MO) and David Stockman (R–MI). In fact, much of this criticism is distorted, […]

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Democrats Messed Up at DNC Again: Russian Warships Displayed at Tribute to Vets While Navy Four-Star Spoke

By Sam Fellman – Staff writer Posted: Tuesday Sep 11, 2012 17:16:10 EDT On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, a retired Navy four-star took the stage to pay tribute to veterans. Behind him, on a giant screen, the image of four hulking warships reinforced his patriotic message. But there was a big […]

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