Promise Made, Promise Kept: “Electricity Rates Would Necessarily Skyrocket”

This morning, the Obama administration will announce new EPA rules that will keep the president’s infamous promise that “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” The promise was so clear, so brazen, that it’s worth taking another look.  The president’s plan would indeed cause a surge in electricity bills – costs stand to go up $17 billion every year.  But it would also shut down […]

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Is Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl a Muslim Convert?

There are an awful lot of unanswered questions and controversies in this POW release of US soldier Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Firstly, it seems he actually deserted the army, he didn’t just get accidentally captured. Secondly, it seems his father might be in sympathy with our Muslim enemies or be a Muslim himself,  is the beard […]

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Not Satire: Despite Waiting Lines, Some VA Employees Got Bonuses

(Photo: John Moore/Getty Images) The Veterans Affairs Department health care scandal has deepened, with new revelations of incompetent management and misplaced spending priorities, including millions of dollars paid out in bonuses at the very hospitals where services were the worst. Recently, now-resigned VA secretary Eric Shinseki tried to bring closure to the scandal by firing […]

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Obama Violated Law Again, Negotiates With Terrorist, Congress Not Notified

The United States has never negotiated with terrorist, its a long standing rule to protect and limit American kidnappings by taking away any incentives to kidnap them for ransom, that has all changed under Obama.  Obama  and his admin actually do now negotiate with real terrorists, and release dangerous terrorist back onto the streets. Amid jubilation […]

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Michael Bloomberg’s Surprise Warning to Liberals at Harvard Commencement

Billionaire media mogul and former mayor Michael Bloomberg has infuriated conservatives with his attacks on gun rights and nanny-state policies in New York City. But on a spring day at Harvard University’s commencement, his critique was directed at liberals. “Today, on many college campuses, it is liberals trying to repress conservative ideas—even as conservative faculty […]

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The Growing “I’ve-Lost-Interest-in-Politics” Malaise Won’t rescue America

People can now clearly see the visceral hatred of America from the White House from their own mostly humble abodes—even if they forgot about President Barack Obama’s 2008 election campaign promise, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” In civilized countries, laws are written to protect citizens.  Zimbabwe’s Robert […]

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In Book, Hillary Clinton Defends Susan Rice on Benghazi, Blames Those ‘Who Exploit This Tragedy’

(Photo: Olivier Douliery/ABACAUSA.COM/Newscom) Hillary Clinton’s forthcoming memoir about her time at the State Department may have a different title than Mitt Romney’s 2011 book, “No Apology,” but excerpts from her chapter on the Benghazi terrorist attacks showcase an attitude more abrasive than apologetic about her role in the scandal. “Those who exploit this tragedy over […]

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Race-baiting politicians of America Take Note

President Barack Obama would gleefully throw victorious Nigel Farage and his UK Independence Party (Ukip) under the bus, if only he could. Something that happened in Europe last week leaves race-baiting Obama far behind scrambling for new tactics with which to fool the masses. The power-grabbing European Union has been left in political tatters.  Almost […]

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