‘Election Eve Dump:’ Eric Holder Releases Fast and Furious Documents That Got Him Cited for Contempt

By Joel Gehrke Justice Department officials provided House investigators with thousands of documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that President Obama had previously claimed were exempt from congressional review. In an “election eve dump,” as House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) put it, DOJ handed over 64,280 pages of documents, a release […]

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Supreme Court

A Big Win for Voter ID Laws in Texas

The Texas voter ID law, which was effective in November 2013 statewide constitutional elections, will be in place for the Nov. 4 mid-term election, representing a big win for voters and election integrity in Texas. On Saturday, the Supreme Court rejected an emergency petition filed by the NAACP and refused to overrule the Fifth Circuit […]

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States That Voted Against Gay Marriage Now Have It Forced Upon Them

This isn’t OK. The Supreme Court’s decision today to not hear any of the cases on same-sex marriage means, as my colleague Ryan T. Anderson writes, that “lower court rulings that struck down state marriage laws now will go into effect, forcing the redefinition of marriage in [Indiana, Wisconsin, Virginia, Oklahoma and Utah] and potentially […]

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Obama Just Gave USA the Middle Finger

 President ‘Benito’ Obama, the constitutional law expert,  is 0 for 13 before the Supreme Court. Does ‘Benito’ Hussein the Brilliant learn from his mistakes? Oh no. He claims even more executive power.  And if we don’t like it? “Sue me,” he says.  So much for the rule of law and statesmen serving the public interest.  That’s […]

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Pro-Abortion Group: ‘Male Justices’‘Direct Attack on Women’ in Hobby Lobby Case

(CNSNews.com) – Condemnation came fast and furious following the Supreme Court ruling on Monday that said the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive and sterilization mandate is unlawful because it infringes on the religious liberty of the business owners who object to providing abortion-inducing drugs to employees. “Today’s decision from five male justices is a direct attack […]

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Only One Vote Away from Banning Prayer

On Monday, religious and traditionally-minded Americans celebrated as the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that public town halls could open their meetings with prayers. Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the Court, found: The town of Greece does not violate the First Amend­ment by opening its meetings with prayer that comports with our tradition […]

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