Sen. Roy Blunt

Sen. Blunt Vows to Keep Pressure on Obama Over Anti-Conscience Mandate (VIDEO)

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) introduced legislation to protect religious organizations from Obamacare’s overreach last summer. Now, as President Obama presses forward with his anti-conscience mandate, Blunt is prepared to keep the pressure on the White House. “This is a genuine assault on First Amendment freedoms,” Blunt said in an exclusive interview with Heritage following a […]

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Government Unions Support California Tax Hike

Two well-connected government unions in California are teaming with Gov. Jerry Brown to support a multibillion-dollar tax increase. The California Teachers Association and Service Employees International Union were the top two spenders for lobbying in 2011 with combined efforts totaling more than $10 million, according to Sacramento Bee. Now they’re using their muscle to champion […]

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Viktor Orban

Hungary PM Orban Promises EU Commission To Modify Legislation

The dispute between the European Union and Hungary escalated temporarily when the European commission said it planned to bring suit against Hungary. The Commission generally sues member states on economic issues, such as a government restraining competition or subsidizing national champions. The Hungarian issue involves laws that go to the heart of governing party Fidesz’ political program. One […]

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Obama Administration Knifes Britain in the Back over Falklands

In yet another display of disdain for the Anglo-American Special Relationship, the Obama administration has weighed in on the mounting tensions between Great Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands. Just two days after Prime Minister David Cameron issued a robust statement in the House of Commons vowing to defend the sovereignty of the Falklands, […]

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Liberal Billionaire Financier George Soros Admits: Obama, Romney ‘Not Much Difference’ (VIDEO)

Billionaire financier George Soros thinks that, if Mitt Romney wins the presidency, there will be “little difference” between him and Barack Obama in the White House. Soros offered the reassuring news to liberals across Europe during an interview this week in Davos, Switzerland. As policymakers from Hong Kong to Canada pressed Greece and its creditors […]

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Francois Hollande

French Socialist Party Nominee Hollande Mimics Obama’s “Change” Theme

Although French president Nicholas Sarkozy has not yet announced his candidacy, one can say that the French presidential campaign began today as Francois Hollande kicked off his campaign at Bourget before 10,000 Socialist Party activists. In the spirit of Barack Obama, the campaign slogan “change is now” (le changement, c’est maintenant)  was unfurled on the French […]

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Gingrich’s ‘Food Stamps’ Answer that Received Standing Ovation at Debate Becomes New South Carolina Ad (VIDEO)

  Newt Gingrich’s latest campaign ad is the former House Speaker’s “food stamps” answer taken directly from Monday’s debate in South Carolina. Called “The Moment,” the ad hopes to build on Gingrich’s fiery performance in which he at one point received a standing ovation from the crowd. “More people have been put on food stamps […]

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