The Best Part of the Oscars 2013

America has been buzzing about the dresses, the stars, the winners, and the hit films all week. But the most important part of the Oscars is a real-life drama that is still playing out. It is not unusual for Hollywood actors to use their stardom to bring attention to human rights and humanitarian causes. But […]

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Islamist Assassinations in the West

by Daniel Pipes Gatestone Institute February 25, 2013 Terrorism broadly takes two forms: against random individuals who happen to be at a market place or on a bus at the wrong time; or against specific individuals because of who they are. The latter in turn divides into two: against broad categories of people (the military, […]

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Kerry’s First Overseas Trip: It’s Not Where He’s Going; It’s Where He’s Not Going

Patsy Lynch/Polaris/Newscom Secretary of State John Kerry’s first overseas trip began by sending mixed signals before he even left U.S. soil—by not visiting key U.S. allies in Eastern Europe and Israel. Kerry’s first foreign trip commenced on Sunday and began with a stop in the United Kingdom. He will also visit Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, […]

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Inform Congress of the Facts – AR-15s ARE More Effective Against Rapists Than Whistles

WHY WOMEN ESPECIALLY NEED AR-15s Girl, 22, FLAYS Piers Morgan on Need for Semi-autos and High Capacity Magazines STOP FEINSTEIN’S UNCONSTITUTIONAL, UNCONSCIONABLE GUN BAN BILL! URGENT: Desperate diehard Democrats are chomping at the bit to grab our guns and are right now waging a war on women – except this time it’s on women’s constitutional […]

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Afghan War

U.S. Taxpayer Money to Be Spent on Website ‘Offering Messages of Hope’ for Afghanistan

( – The U.S. Embassy in Kabul plans to spend up to $250,000 in taxpayer money on the creation of a website that will allow people to show how “the Afghanistan of today has provided opportunities that didn’t exist before.” The stand-alone website — or dedicated YouTube channel — must give people in Afghanistan and […]

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Can Obama Kill You?

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the Obama administration’s assassination program is the fact that they simply refuse to address if they claim the authority to kill Americans on US soil without charge or trial. While they clearly claim the authority to kill Americans abroad without requiring any clear evidence based on secret meetings and a classified legal justification, they […]

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National ID Cards For All Americans

If President Obama, John McCain (R., AZ), Lindsey Graham (R., SC), Marco Rubio (R., FL), Lindsey Graham (R., SC.), Charles Schumer (D., NY.), Jeff Flake (R., AZ.), Michael Bennet (D., CO.), and implicated child molester Robert Menendez (D., N.J.), get their way, it will soon be law that if you want to board an airplane, […]

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On Washington’s Birthday, A Lesson in Self-Government

Album/Oronoz/Newscom With the generic Presidents’ Day (the holiday is, legally, still officially Washington’s Birthday, not Presidents’ Day) behind us, it is time to celebrate the actual birthday of George Washington. But is there anything original left to say, 281 years after America’s first President was born? Beyond the familiar tales of his heroic victories against […]

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