Martin Luther King’s Conservative Principles

Martin Luther King Day has arrived once again, and like clockwork, liberals are invoking King’s name to support their causes. In an e-mail to activists, Obama’s former “green czar,” Van Jones, calls King the “original Occupier.” He urges activists to use MLK day meet-ups to energize left-wing campaigning for 2012. Despite these efforts, conservatives should […]

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Chart of the Week: How Countries Compare on Economic Freedom

Heritage and the Wall Street Journal released the 2012 Index of Economic Freedom on Thursday, ranking 179 countries on 10 benchmarks that gauge their economic success. This year Heritage introduced a new interactive feature that gives you the opportunity to create a comparative graph. This week’s chart shows how the United States stacks up against […]

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You can blame Mitt, but not for Bain

Steven Rattner, who served as counselor to the treasury secretary and lead auto adviser in the Obama administration has something to say about Mitt Romney and Bain. By: Steven Rattner I’m all in favor of piling on Mitt Romney for any number of reasons: his come-lately embrace of hard right conservatism, his periodic malapropisms (“I […]

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Senate Conservatives Warn Reid Against PROTECT IP Blitz

Six conservative U.S. senators voiced concerns Friday over the substance and procedural context of controversial legislation to block Internet piracy, noting potential economic damages and free speech restrictions the legislation might impose. Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), John Cornyn (R-TX), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Tom Coburn (R-OK), sent a letter […]

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Obamacare Litigation: More “Golden” Reasons Why Justice Kagan May Need to Recuse Herself

An internal memorandum from the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) reveals that Justice Elena Kagan “substantially participated” in a health care case in San Francisco in which the Justice Department argued over the effect of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). This raises grave new doubts about the appropriateness of Kagan’s participation […]

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Panetta: We Have Some Ideas Who Was Behind Iran Killing; Indirectly Throws Israel Under the Bus

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday that U.S. officials had “some ideas” as to who was behind the assassination of a nuclear scientist in Tehran this week, AFP reported. During a meeting with soldiers at a Texas military base, Panetta insisted the United States was “not involved in any way, in any way with […]

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