Japan Races to Avert Multiple Nuclear Meltdowns, Japanese ‘Chernobyl’ Feared

Japan races to avert multiple nuclear meltdowns this Sunday. An explosion caused by hydrogen buildup Saturday blew the roof off a concrete building housing the Daiichi plant’s No. 1 reactor. At a second plant, in Onogawa, excessive radiation levels also were recording radiation up 400 times. The Japanese government is assuming, but has not confirmed, […]

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US DOJ: Muslims 1% of U.S.A = 80% of U.S Terror Convictions…

More than 80 percent of all convictions tied to international terrorist groups and homegrown terrorism since 9/11 involve defendants driven by a radical Islamist agenda, a review of Department of Justice statistics shows. Though Muslims represent only 1 percent of the American population, they constitute defendants in 186 of the 228 cases DOJ lists, or […]

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Hollywood’s War On America

By: Daniel Greenfield– Hollywood’s war on America may have claimed its first two casualties with the murder of two US airmen in Germany by a Muslim terrorist who was inspired by the Koran, and apparently by a clip from Brian DePalma’s movie, Redacted. This isn’t the first time the news-entertainment complex has manufactured its own […]

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House Panel to Look at Radicalization of U.S. Muslims

WASHINGTON (AP) — Muslims in the America aren’t cooperating enough with law enforcement to counter the radicalization of young followers by al-Qaeda-linked groups, said a House leader on terrorism issues, renewing debate about religion’s role in motivating extremists and what the United States can do without alienating the Islamic world. Rep. Peter T. King, New […]

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Obama’s Mexican Truck Deal Threatens Jobs, Highway Safety and Border Security

WASHINGTON, /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Last weeks announcement by the White House to move forward with opening the U.S. border to long-haul Mexican trucks drew strong condemnations from Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa and highway safety proponents. “This deal puts Americans at risk,” Hoffa said. “This agreement caves in to business interests at the expense of the […]

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