Obama Funds Gaddafi and Anti-Israeli Ship

Last year, right around the time Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi called Obama “our son,” Obama earmarked $400,000 for two Libyan charities controlled by Gaddafi. The money was divided between two foundations run by Gaddafi’s children; Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation, run by his son Saif, and Wa Attassimou, run by his daughter Aicha. What […]

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Democrats Inciting Protests in Wisconsin

The Democratic National Committee’s Organizing for America arm — the remnant of the 2008 Obama campaign — is playing an active role in organizing protests against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s attempt to strip most public employees of collective bargaining rights. OfA, as the campaign group is known, has been criticized at times for staying out […]

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Pelosi Aide: Government Shutdown Likely

A high-ranking aide to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told Democratic chiefs of staff that a government shutdown is more likely than not, according to attendees. Speaking at a regular meeting of the top aides to House Democrats, Pelosi’s floor director, Jerry Hartz, offered up, unprompted, his assessment that the odds favor inaction before the […]

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Multiculturalism in Europe Failing, Now Holland

It’s been said by British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy – multiculturalism has failed, broken on the back of Islam. Now in Holland: Christian Democrat leader Maxime Verhagen on Monday said the multicultural society has failed. He was speaking during the recording of tv show Nova College […]

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