Hamas officers in Gaza

USA Could Bankrupt Hamas

August 7, 2013 15:52 by Pesach Benson Jonathan Schanzer (National Post) urges Washington to bankrupt Hamas. If Uncle Sam engages in a little arm-twisting with Qatar, Turkey, and the Palestinian Authority, the Egyptian army will take care of the rest. The Egyptian Army’s ongoing operations against the subterranean tunnels connecting Egypt to the Gaza Strip, […]

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5 Immigration Questions for Your Congressman

During the August congressional recess, a pro-amnesty coalition of business and union interests is putting the squeeze on members of the House of Representatives to pass a “comprehensive immigration reform” bill similar to the Senate-passed monstrosity. But hard-working Americans also have a voice and can speak up in town halls with House members while they’re […]

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Obama: End Fannie and Freddie, but Keep Government in Housing Business

Camilla Zenz/Zuma Press/Newscom President Obama lent his voice today to the growing consensus in Washington that federally sponsored housing giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac must go. While this is a welcome stance, he also called for new government guarantees for the housing finance market, which would only perpetuate the dangerous taxpayer subsidy that helped […]

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“OVERPASSES FOR OBAMA’S IMPEACHMENT”: Over 200 Impeach Obama Rallies Scheduled For Today

America and the Constitution are under attack. Patriots are standing up across the country to say “No More”‘ We are urging demonstrations EVERYWHERE against Obama and his administration! Bring your large readable signs, flags, banners, friends and family! [youtube RTFuIX7RhTY nolink] PLEASE NOTE: These are intended to be peaceful protests of our current administrations continuing […]

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Missed Paying One Ticket? Go Directly to Jail

Courtesy of Crissy Brown She was handcuffed and hauled to the police station. She was fingerprinted and photographed. She was interrogated. She was strip-searched, given a jumpsuit, and locked into an overcrowded jail with several other women for eight hours. That’s what happens when you get arrested. And that’s what happened to Crissy Brown after […]

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Where NOT to Travel This Month

The State Department closed 21 U.S. embassies over the weekend and issued a travel alert for Americans regarding the Middle East and northern Africa, warning of possible terrorist threats in the region. Where did the intelligence come from that prompted the caution? As NBC’s Brian Williams said, “It all began with an intercepted communication.” Al-Qaeda […]

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Obamacare: IRS Squeezes $13 Billion from Americans’ Health Spending Accounts

The 30-35 million Americans who use a pre-tax Flexible Spending Account (FSA) at work to pay for their family’s basic medical needs face a new Obamacare cap of $2,500. This will squeeze $13 billion of tax money from Americans over the next ten years. (Before Obamacare, the accounts were unlimited under federal law, though employers […]

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Obama & Israeli Flag

Obama Leaking Info on Israeli Strikes in Syria

The U.S. intelligence community has been leaking information on Israeli air strikes in Syria, and U.S. President Barack Obama is behind the leaks, according to a report in the World Tribune. Diplomats told the Tribune that the Obama administration has enabled the U.S. intelligence community to disclose details of Israeli military operations against the armed […]

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