Big Brother Takes Over Toronto Symphony Orchestra

Big Brother Takes Over Toronto Symphony Orchestra A very popular pianist, Valentina Lisitsa, was dropped from the upcoming program by the Toronto Symphony because she criticized the behavior of the puppet government that Washington has set up in her native Ukraine. Listen to her play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata: [youtube OsOUcikyGRk nolink] In view of their […]

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Obama planning not only to reform but to totally replace America’s police forces

By Judi McLeod Mayors and city councils—in office largely courtesy of public apathy—are President Barack Obama’s boots on the ground in the ongoing, carefully orchestrated racial riots coming soon to a city near you. In their bid to rescue America from total Marxist eclipse, patriots, as it turns out, have been knocking on the wrong […]

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Obama Urges Soviet-Style Voting Laws

By Matthew Vadum Forcing Americans to vote under threat of legal penalty would help to fundamentally transform America, President Obama told a town hall-style meeting in Cleveland yesterday. It is the latest radical leveling scheme that flows from the president’s totalitarian impulses. It is also consistent with his support for “Net Neutrality,” which is a […]

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Hidden Truth: The Poison of Statism

By Douglas V. Gibbs The true enemy is statism.  We can argue ideology, Democrat versus Republican, liberalism versus conservativism, or left versus right all we want, but in the end “big government,” especially in a manner that is in direct opposition to the rule of law, and the United States Constitution, is the enemy. Every […]

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Hail to the Narcissistic King Obama

( The narcissistic boy king has just declared himself dictator and the constitution void.  Obama getting bolder and bolder each month, continually exceeding his authority and breaking the law, yet nobody does a thing.  The bold Obama is now daring Republicans to vote on whether or not his executive actions are legal. Discussing opposition to […]

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The Right to Say No

By Alan Caruba  Something very unpleasant is occurring in America. Those who have a strong religious faith are being denied the right to say “no” based on its teachings and values. This is particularly true these days as homosexuals, barely three percent of the population, demand that they be accommodated when their demand runs counter […]

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The End of Freedom in America

By Alan Caruba The America that has existed from the days of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, when its sovereignty was acknowledged by a treaty with England 1783, and its founding in 1788 with the ratification of the Constitution is no more. The America for which thousands fought and gave their lives is no […]

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